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20 Things to Buy in October 2020
As Strategic Shoppers, we are always looking for the best deals on everything we plan on purchasing. One of the largest keys of Strategic Shopping is knowing WHEN to buy. Here are 20 things to buy in October 2020.
October equals candy sales. Since October 31st is Halloween, practically every store will have candy on sale. The best deals can be found by playing The Drugstore Games. Using a combination of sales, manufacturer coupons, store coupons, store rewards, and rebates can bring the best deals.
Although, I do not celebrate Halloween, I love costumes. Over our many, many years of homeschooling, we have incorporated many costumes into different historical studies and plays. When my children were little, I would create dress up boxes. These boxes would be filled with all kinds of different costumes and accessories. This year, I am going to try to find a costume for each one of my grandchildren. I plan on printing out lap books, activities, coloring sheets and more, and I thought it would be so much fun to have a costume to coincide with the study.
October is a great time to pick up fabric. Stores know that many people are looking for fabric to make costumes this month. It is also the beginning of the holidays, so crafters, get out there and get these deals on fabric! I just bought three yards of material at Walmart for $1.50! Make sure you look in both the fabric section, and the big clearance aisles.
End of gardening Sales
Ahh, I love the end of the gardening season sales! You may or may not find seeds this late in the game, and many plants look a little worse for wear, but there are still many great deals to be found.
Watch for mark downs on tomato cages, pots, potting soil, soil amendments, and even large bags of Epsom Salts!
Air conditioners
Remember how you were too hot this summer, and swore that next year you were going to get an air conditioner? Well, don’t wait! October is one of the best months to get a deal on your air conditioner for next year.
Barbecue grills
Our barbecue grill literally fell apart this summer! I’m excited about finding an October deal on a barbecue grill for next year!
Lawn mowers
Strategic Shopping includes knowing when to buy things. Waiting until you need to buy something usually ends up costing more. That is why you should buy a lawn mower in October if you already know you are going to need one in the spring.
Patio furniture
If you have a place to store your patio furniture for the winter, then make sure you get out there and buy yours in October. October is the best time of year to get a deal on patio furniture.
Everyone in my family loves to sleep with a fan on. I’m watching for those October fan deals!
Camping Gear
Do you like to go camping? My children love camping! Me on the other hand, well let’s just say I love my bed and being close to an actual bathroom. I do, however, love the camping section in the stores. Everyone should have some kind of camping gear on hand. Camping gear makes great prepping items. We live in an area that gets really cold and it’s not uncommon for our power to go out, so I like to head to the camping gear to make sure the stock up on things that could help us out during emergencies. October is a great month to stock up on camping gear.
Toy clearance
If you plan on buying toys at Christmas time, don’t wait! October is filled with all kinds of toy clearance sales. Write out your Christmas list. Figure out exactly who you are buying for, then head out to those October toy clearance sales. It’s time to get the holiday closet filled up at rock bottom prices.
October is a great time to buy appliances. Manufacturers are coming out with new models and the stores need to clear out the old merchandise.
2020 certainly brought a lot of unusual things, but I was shocked to see the bicycles cleared out of the stores. Make sure you get into the store this October and get your bicycles for next year.
Wedding Supplies
Summer is peak season for weddings. Now that we are moving into the slower season, stores are marking wedding supplies down. October is a great time for you to pick up your wedding supplies.
Holiday Airfare
Are you planning to do any traveling during the holidays this year? October is the time to get those airline tickets. Hurry, because prices will go up after October 31st.
Car dealerships have quotas that need to be met. There are only three months left to 2020, so that makes October, November, and December the best three months of the year to get a deal on a new car.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October brings an entire month of Breast Cancer Awareness. Are you looking for something pink? This month is the best time to get a deal on practically anything pink!
National Pizza Month
Oh, my goodness! What a wonderful thing to celebrate! October is National Pizza Month!!! Give me a pizza and a toss salad and I am one happy girl!
National Nut Day
National Nut Day is October 22nd. Did you know National Nut Day was even a thing? I suggest watching your local grocery stores to see if they will be running a sale on or around October 22nd to celebrate National Nut Day. Stock up for your holiday cooking.
Seasonal Produce
Everyone knows that it is best for both your health and your wallet if you get into the habit of eating produce that is in season.
Here is a list of seasonal produce to purchase in the month of October:
sweet potatoes
brussel sprouts
citrus fruits
October Shopping
Leave a comment and let me know what is on your October shopping list!
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