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Bring Back Family Game Night for Some Frugal Family Fun
I am always looking for ways for our family to have fun without breaking the bank.
Everything doesn’t have to be about spending thousands of dollars on a family vacation to make awesome memories.
I tend to believe it is all about the little things.
Does your family enjoy old-fashioned board and card games?
I think Family Game Night is a wonderful tradition that should be brought back into play!
My son, Jesse, asked for a new Monopoly game almost every single year of his childhood.
One year, I thought I would shake things up a little by getting him a different game.
It certainly shook him up!
He wanted to know exactly where his Monopoly game was!
Okay, Jesse, Monopoly it is.
Most of my children love the game of Chess.
I am not sure how many chess sets we have gone through over the years.
I have always implemented the power of suggestion in our home.
That means I bought a lot of chess sets and set them out where they could be easily accessed.
The little kids would run off with the chess pieces, and the boards would inevitably get broken.
I would just buy another set until everyone just fell in love with the game!
I used this same technique with musical instruments, and I am here to tell you that the power of suggestion works!
The family was thrilled when we all pitched in and bought this amazing chess set that came with actual horses and knights in shining armor!
Who doesn’t love a good game of Uno?!?
My family absolutely loves to play these good old-fashioned games that have stood the test of time.
Our family absolutely loves to play Yahtzee!
Christmas just wouldn’t feel like Christmas at the Foote house without a big game of Yahtzee.
When my six sons were younger, I used to say I would only play Yahtzee with them because everything else turned into tackle football!
It is the perfect game for children of all ages.
Even your toddlers can roll the dice!
Checkers is just one of those games that every generation seems to enjoy.
We always have a checkerboard setting on our game shelf.
I really like these checker rugs with huge checker pieces.
My grandchildren’s little chubby hands have no problem holding on to these game piece.
The classic game of Sorry is fun for kids of all ages.
We always have Sorry on our game shelf too.
My family loves to play the game of Trouble too.
We just love the Classics!
Phase 10
My eldest daughter, Jaimie, has always enjoyed playing the Phase 10 card game.
Skip-Bo is another one of those fast-paced card games that my family really enjoys.
Remember having to do graphs in math class?
Battleship is basically graphs.
Don’t tell my children, but that is why I always made sure they had the Battleship game to play.
As a homeschooling mama, we sneak schoolwork into every area we can!
My youngest daughter, Sarah, always asked for Candyland for Christmas.
Chutes and Ladders
Chutes and Ladders is another fun game to play with your children and grandchildren.
Jenga is such a family-friendly game because it doesn’t really matter how old the players are.
Your two-year-old will be able to play right alongside your 17-year-old!
I used to add the game of Scrabble to our weekly homeschool schedule when I had a lot of kids at home.
It was always a fun way to shake up spelling class a little bit.
Connect 4
I remember when my brother received Connect 4 as a gift when we were kids.
Connect 4 is one of those tried and true games.
It has definitely stood the test of time.
My kids love this game.
Many of my kids love to read mystery books.
Maybe that’s why they enjoy playing the game of Clue so much!
Bring Back Family Game Night for Some Frugal Family Fun
These are 16 amazing games that my family has absolutely loved year after year.
Does your family still play board games?
Does your family enjoy card games?
Now is a great time to start Family Game Night up again!
Leave me a comment and let me know which games your family enjoys playing.
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