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Debt-Free Christmas
If you haven’t read Debt-Free Christmas Part #1, then head over there first.
Once you have your dream Christmas written out, it is time to start checking things off from those goals and lists.
Always keep in mind that your major goal is to have a debt-free Christmas.
Let’s Hit Those Clearance Racks
One of the best places to start your Christmas shopping this year is at that lovely spot called, clearance racks.
If you aren’t a typical clearance rack shopper, then I have one question, Why not?!?!?
You may be shocked at the types of things you can find stashed away on those clearance racks.
Get those old mindsets out of the way.
Clearance doesn’t have to mean low quality, broken, or expired.
I lie in a small town area with small stores.
These small stores put anything and everything on the clearance stands.
I am not talking about expired food, dented cans, or broken items.
Since these stores are so small, they simply need to move things out quickly in order to make room for the new merchandise coming into the stores.
If the store doesn’t want to deal with an item anymore, ordered too many, or just needs to make room for new merchandise, then they tend to throw the stuff onto the clearance racks.
I love clearance shopping!
The best part is you can use coupons on clearance items!
This awesome trick enables me to get super low prices, free items, and in some cases even paid to shop!
I have found food with expiration dates years out, socks, underwear, games, toys, computer accessories, photo albums, blankets, hair dye, diapers, toilet paper, shampoo, vitamins, medicine, deodorant, and so much more.
One time, a lady came to one of my Strategic Shopping classes who was against clearance shopping.
She told me that she could never shop like I do because she liked her children to wear high-quality clothing, and not junk stuff from places like the Dollar General.
I was happy to tell her all about my shopping trip to Sears one December.
I sought out the Sears clearance racks as soon as I entered the store. I was on a mission, and only went there for the sole purpose of finding the deals.
I ended up buying $712.00 worth of Sears quality clothing for my family for the grand price of only $24.00!
I had enough clothing to cover Christmas gifts and many birthday presents throughout that year.
Don’t get caught up in mindsets.
This week, go out and hit up some clearance racks to see if you can find anything to add to your holiday gift closet.
Read More About Having a Debt-Free, Simplified Christmas
How I’m Simplifying Christmas 2020
Want a Debt-free Christmas 2020?
10 Amazing Debt-free Christmas Gifts
Make This Year a Debt-Free Christmas
Let’s make this year a debt-free Christmas. Don’t be part of the debt-laden Christmas shoppers this time.
Choose to not go into debt for the holidays, just like you promised yourself last year.
If you don’t have any money to spend on something, then don’t buy it.
Review your Christmas gift-giving list.
Cut down how many people you buy for this year.
Simplify the kind of gifts you give this year.
Choose to make more meaningful Christmas traditions, rather than just buying expensive gifts.
Give the gift of your presence instead of just buying more and more presents.
Once you have the list of the people you’re are actually buying for, then hit up those clearance racks.
Leave me a comment and let me know how you plan on creating a debt-free Christmas this year.
Merry Christmas!
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