Discover the Perks of Being a Pampered Chef Consultant

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Hey, You Should Become a Pampered Chef Consultant

Ding. The sound of my Facebook messenger went off. I looked to see it was, yet again, Michelle.

Michelle sold Pampered Chef and she was always after me to host a party and to sign up as a PC consultant.

“Ugh. I just don’t have time to waste on Pampered Chef right now.”

My hands have always been full. Just ask anyone who has ever ran into me in the grocery store over the past four decades!

12 kids and now 30 grandchildren keep me busy enough, but I also homeschool, work for a magazine, do some social media assistant work, and run my own business.

Aren’t I busy enough???

Still, Michelle was always polite, upbeat, and persistent.

 I did host a few Pampered Chef parties over the years. 

Michelle was able to convince me to do that much.

I always walked away from these parties impressed.

It was a little shocking at all of the free Pampered Chef products I was able to earn just for copying and pasting some words Michelle would send to me.

The process couldn’t have been more simple.

I invited friends and family to join my Pampered Chef Party group on Facebook.

The interested ones joined.

Michelle told me what to post.

I earned free stuff!

I was super happy to be able to earn free Pampered Chef pizza stones that I in turn started giving to my adult children as birthday gifts.

They were thrilled. I was thrilled too!

I mean, what could be better than giving high quality gifts that I was able to get for free?!?

This kept me coming back.

“Hey, Michelle, I need to earn some more stoneware.”

I have A LOT of kids!

Finally, Michelle said, “Would you like to get a free stone, along with some other items, all for free?

“YES, of course! That’s what I am trying to do!” I said excitedly!

“It’s easy!” Michelle said. “This month our pizza stone kit is only $50 and if you sell a certain amount of items within 90 days, you will be given the entire $50 back!”

I didn’t need to think too long.

“Let’s do it!” I told her.

A few days later, my kit arrived. 

I was shocked at everything in the kit.

Well, I had my kit, but I was clueless as to what I was supposed to do next.

“Hey, Michelle, are the items in my new kit what I am supposed to sell?”

“Nope! Those are yours to do whatever you like with!”

“To give to my kids as gifts?”

“Sure! You will be selling stuff online and Pampered Chef sends the orders directly. The kit is yours.”

Now, I was really excited about the kit!

I Have My Kit. Now What?

I had my kit, Michelle had created a Launch Candy’s Pampered Chef party on Facebook, and we started by having me just be a regular host.

Michelle kept track of everything and told me what to do, like my other Pampered Chef parties.

It was unbelievably easy!

The party ran, and my friends and family made their purchases.

I sat back and earned more gifts for my kids!

I decided to ask some of the kids exactly what they would like as birthday gifts from Pampered Chef.  I told them I wanted to give them something they didn’t already have, and something they would really enjoy and use.

Here were a few of their answers. I received this package in the mail simply for hosting a party. I just paid the $8.00 shipping. Everything was free!

But There’s More!

It wasn’t over though. As a new Pampered Chef consultant, I earned even more free products!

I kept getting packages in the mail.

My first free consultant gifts were a package of bread mix and a really nice mini loaf pan, which Sarah used to make mini apple pies!

Next, I received this awesome organizing planner book.

The next free package arrived just three weeks after I had received my Pampered Chef Consultant’s kit!

What About Money?

All of this free stuff within just a few weeks is impressive, right?

But, what about earning money?

Honestly, this is the most shocking part!

Pampered Chef paid me for hosting my first party!


Michelle did all of the work and I got free items, and cash!

It wasn’t just a little bit of money either.

Pampered Chef sets up its pay days every two weeks.

My first payment was sent direct deposit on September 9th for $224.89!

My first payment was made three weeks from my sign on date!

I received a refund for the starter kit, which was $50.00.

(They were running an August special where you could earn your entire start-up money back.)

My second pay day is scheduled for September 23rd for $137.30.

So, within one month, I earned $362.19, plus my $50 refund, for a total of $412.19!

PLUS, I received just under $560.00 worth of free Pampered Chef products!

Was it worth signing up?

I have to answer with a resounding YES!

I actually just messaged Michelle to thank her for persistently asking me to sign up as a Pampered Chef consultant.

I simply said, “You were right!”

Thank you, Michelle!

Now It’s Your Turn!

How can you start earning extra money, plus get free Pampered Chef products?

As we are moving into the holiday season, I can’t think of a better time!

Pampered Chef is Celebrating Their 44th Anniversary

Pampered Chef is celebrating their 44th anniversary. 

They are offering a big discount, plus, of course, free items when you join up as a Pampered Chef consultant between now and October 31, 2024.

You don’t even have to work as a consultant to get this deal!

You can purchase the consultant kit at the discounted price, then it’s up to you whether or not you do anything as a consultant. 

That’s a no risk deal!

You won’t be stuck in any contract. 

(There are no contracts!)

You won’t be committing to working a specific amount of time.

(It’s up to you if you work or not!)

It’s a great way to earn some extra holiday cash.

I love to host parties and earn free holiday gifts!

What’s stopping you?

Sign up today!

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