Double Coupon Deal on Scott Toilet Paper Deal at Walgreens
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Double Coupon Deal on Scotts Toilet Paper Deal at Walgreens
Double Coupon Deal on Scotts Toilet Paper Deal at Walgreens
It is so easy to do this double coupon deal on Scott Toilet paper at Walgreens this week.
Go into your Walgreens’ Digital Coupons and clip both the store coupon and the manufacturer coupon for Scott toilet paper.
Double Coupon Deal on Scotts Toilet Paper Deal at Walgreens
Check Out Process
Pick up ONE package of Scott toilet paper and head to the checkout.
Make sure you have clipped BOTH the $1.00 off Scott manufacturer coupon AND the $1.25 off store coupon.
These two coupons will stack on ONE product.
You will receive $2.25 at checkout once you put in the phone number associated with your account.
Scott Comfort Plus toilet paper = $5.00.
Minus $1.00 man. Q
Minus $1.25 store Q
Pay $2.75 for one package!
You may use $2.00 in WalgreensCash to bring down the total.
The manufacturer coupon is a one-and-done use coupon, so you may only use it one time.
The $1.25 store coupon, however, may be used multiple times. It will automatically come off for each Scott toilet paper that you purchase.
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