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Dynamic Literacy, LLC Wordbuild Online
a Homeschool Crew Review
Thank you, Dynamic Literacy, LLC and Homeschool Review Crew for giving us an opportunity to do a review on Wordbuild Online.
Learning Vocabulary Really Matters!
Sarah overheard me listening to an audio of the old-time inspirational speaker, Brian Tracy.
He was saying that the size of a person’s vocabulary and the size of their income go hand-in-hand.
He went on to say that billionaires have a large vocabulary.
Boy, did that ever catch Sarah’s attention!
She decided then and there that she needed to expand her vocabulary!
In stepped Wordbuild Online right on cue.
Needless to say, I didn’t need to do a lot of talking to convince Sarah to spend part of her summer working on vocabulary lessons. 🙂
Morphology is the study of the units of meaning in a language.
It teaches the students to apply their knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes in order to understand new words.
Phonics teaches students to sound out letters, but morphology teaches students to pay attention to the meanings of the roots, prefixes, and suffixes to come to an understanding of new words.
That is what Wordbuild Online is trying to accomplish with its interactive vocabulary lessons.
The Foundations
Wordbuild Online starts out with Foundations.
There are three separate levels in Foundations.
Foundations Level One:
If your student can read sight words, then it is time to start learning about suffixes and prefixes with Foundations Level One.
There are 25 units in Foundations Level One.
Foundations Level Two:
This level continues working on commonly used prefixes and suffixes, learning the doubling principle and changing y to i spelling, and using compound suffixes and prefixes plus suffix combinations
There are 25 units in Foundations Level Two.
Foundations Level Three:
This level studies less commonly used prefixes and suffixes.
There are 25 units in Foundations Level Three.
The Elements
The second part of Wordbuild Online is the Elements.
There are three separate levels in Elements too.
Elements Level One:
This level begins the study of Latin and Greek roots.
It covers 25 of the most frequently used Latin and Greek roots.
Elements Level Two:
This level directly teaches Latin and Greek roots.
Students will study 34 of the most frequently used Latin and Greek roots.
Elements Level Three:
This level continues its study of Latin and Greek roots.
Students will study 34 of the most frequently used Latin and Greek roots.
Our family loved these videos.
Learning is so much easier when visual, audio, and kinesthetic are put into use.
That was this homeschooling mama’s favorite part of these lessons too.
Activities with Lexi
Lexi, the dog, helps the students walk through the five daily vocabulary activities, provides tips, & tricks, and lets them know how they are doing.
- Affix Activity
- Find the Best Sentence
- Magic Squares
- Comprehension Booser
- Assessment Activity
These are short, quick, and effective lessons.
Scope & Sequence
I have included the entire scope & sequence for Wordbuild Online above.
Progress Reports
Here is another big plus for this homeschooling mom.
Wordbuild Online kept track of everything for me.
There really was very little interaction needed on my end.
My students were able to go through the program very easily on their own.
Wordbuild Online kept records of their work and progress.
I received emails from them, plus I was able to go into my account under manage students and read their progress reports in detail.
Foote Family Homeschool
Sarah enjoyed the videos that explained the vocabulary lessons.
"I liked the videos that explained the vocablulary lessons." - Sarah
"I like how easy and quick it made for me to expand my vocabulary." - Christina
Christina appreciated how easy and quick she was able to expand her vocabulary.
Read More Homeschool Crew Reviews
You can GO HERE to read more Homeschool Crew Reviews on Wordbuild Online.
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