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How to Start Homeschooling in the State of New York in 2023
My family began homeschooling back in 1993. It is so hard to believe that I am down to just one student for this coming school year!
I have loved homeschooling each one of my twelve children over the years. It is a little sad to realize that the end of my homeschooling career is quickly coming to a close.
There have been many people who have asked me how to start homeschooling over the years. With the pandemic, more people are asking these days.
The quick answer is you start homeschooling by learning your state’s homeschool rules, laws, and regulations.
Steps to Start Homeschooling in New York
The first step to homeschooling is to find out your state’s exact laws.
You may be shocked when you see how extremely different each state’s homeschooling laws are!
For example, you don’t need to keep elaborate records or even notify anyone if you want to homeschool your children in the state of Alaska.
On the other hand, you will need to keep and mail-in extensive records throughout the year if you want to homeschool in New York.
Homeschool Legal Defense Association has a complete list of exactly what is legally required of homeschooling families in each state.
How to Start Homeschooling in New York
#1 – The very first step to homeschooling in the state of New York is to simply write a Letter of Intent, and mail it to your local school district superintendent by July 1st, or within 14 days after establishing your homeschool.
This is a very basic, to-the-point letter. Don’t overthink it. Just write your student’s name, age, and grade level.
#2 – Prepare an I.H.I.P. and mail a copy to your local school district.
Prepare an I.H.I.P. and mail a copy to your local school district. An I.H.I.P. is an Individualized Home Instruction Plan. This is what you plan on teaching throughout the school year, and which resources you plan on using to complete it.
You need to submit an I.H.I.P. for each child in your family to the school district by August 15th, or within four weeks of the receipt of the IHIP form from the school district, whichever is later.
New York State requires you to submit your child’s name, age, and grade level; a list of your syllabi, curriculum materials, textbooks, or plan of instruction; dates for submission of quarterly reports; and the name of whoever is giving the instruction.
You will need to submit a separate one for each child attending your homeschool.
#3 – Meet State Requirements on Hours, Days, and Subjects to be Taught
Make sure that your New York State homeschool meets each of the state requirements of how many days and hours your students must be in school. You also will need to meet any and all of the subject requirements.
#4 – File Quarterly Reports
You will need to submit a quarterly report for each child in your homeschool. Each individual report should include the number of hours of instruction during the quarter, a description of the material covered in each subject, and a grade or narrative evaluation in each subject.
#5 – Annual Assessments
New York does require annual assessments, but this can be done through standardized testing and/or written narrative evaluations, depending on the grade level of each child.
Keep Good Records
I strongly suggest that you keep good records of each one of your student’s schoolwork.
I also advise you to always send your reports and notices to your local school district through certified mail so that you always have proof that you did your part.
I have only touched on the rules and regulations of homeschooling in New York State.
No matter which state you are planning to homeschool in, you will want to make sure you know all of the rules and regulations.
Different Online Curriculum We Have Used Over the Years
Now that you know the rules, laws, and regulations to get started homeschooling, it’s time to actually get started! The internet is overflowing with free resources to get you started.
Here are just a few websites to help get you started homeschooling:
- I love Schoolhouse Teachers! It’s the perfect program for both newbies and veteran homeschoolers. It’s all you need. You will not need to buy any other textbooks or curricula. Best of all, it’s one price for the entire family. If you get started and find something one class isn’t working for your student, then just change classes at no additional cost!
- I have literally taught more lessons than I can count over the years from the hundreds of totally free printables Homeschool Share has to offer. Don’t ever let the words free make you think low quality! There are a lot of people offering top-notch material for free out there.
- If you have never heard of Easy Peasy before then you will most likely be shocked when you see this website. It is an all-in-one homeschool curriculum being offered for free. They do allow donations, but they are not required.
- Ambleside is another completely free curriculum website that I used for many years. You don’t have to let finances stop you from getting starting homeschooling with such wonderful programs available for free.
- YouTube is a plethora of homeschooling resources. It can teach math problems, how to write a research paper, or sing the alphabet to your little ones. Make sure you are using this amazing, free resource!
Start Your Free Trial – Reading Eggs
- I have had good readers do really well with Reading Eggs, and I have had struggling readers do well with Reading Eggs. It’s an excellent program at an affordable price.
Homeschool the Classics With Cheap and Free Kindle Books
- Many times, I have used cheap and free Kindle books from Amazon. It seems like Amazon is always offering Kindle books for free!
- I understand that teaching math to your child can seem challenging to say the least. Some days it’s more like pulling your hair out, banging your head against the wall, while crying your eyes out kind of day. We have been homeschooling for a long, long time, and I believe teaching math has been one of the top most difficult subjects to teach. Well, that is until CTCMath came along. Seriously, I am not exaggerating! Although CTCMath isn’t free, it has been a lifesaver in our homeschool!
- I have had a lot of friends and family who have loved the convenience of Time4Learning. It isn’t free. It is all online and keeps full records of your student’s work.
Are You Thinking About Homeschooling?
Are you thinking about homeschooling? I know the very thoughts of taking the plunge and jumping in with both feet can be very overwhelming.
Take a deep breath.
If you are thinking about homeschooling, just do it.
Don’t let fear keep you from giving it a try.
I think you will love it, but even if you find out that homeschooling isn’t right for your family, just remember, you can turn right back around and go back to the public school or private school where you started.
Choosing to give homeschooling a try doesn’t lock you into it forever!
So, go for it!
Leave a comment and let me know how it goes!
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