Know What You Have Before You Buy

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Know What You Have Before You Buy

Know What You Have Before You Buy

A simple way to save money on groceries is by knowing what you have before you buy anything else.

Do you know what you have?

It’s the last day of January, but it’s not too late to get organized in order to save more money on your groceries this year.

Do a Pantry Inventory

Two of my grandsons, Judson and Jeremiah, helped their mama clean out and inventory their pantry cupboards earlier this month.

Knowing what is in your pantry can really help save money on groceries.

First of all, if you know what is in your pantry, then you can see what needs to be used up before it goes bad.

Americans tend to throw away up to 50% of the groceries they purchase.

Using these groceries instead of throwing them away is an easy way to save half on your grocery bill.

Second, knowing what you have before you buy will prevent you from buying the same things over and over simply because you didn’t realize that you already had some sitting in your pantry.

Make sure you know what you have before you buy.

Know What You Have Before You Buy

Don’t Forget the Freezer

The freezer is an extension of the pantry.

Don’t forget to clean out the freezer and do a complete inventory.

Use up anything and everything that needs to be used before it goes bad.

Now You Know

Now that you know exactly what is in the pantry and freezer, start by using up whatever needs to be used up before it goes bad.

Then, start shopping the sales every week to add to both the pantry and freezer.

Saving Money on Groceries

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