Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of the Perfect Reading, Beautiful Handwriting ebook through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. You can read my entire disclosure policy over here.
Perfect Reading Beautiful Handwriting for Homeschoolers
As homeschoolers, we are always on the look out for curriculum that can cover more than one subject. When you come across one that not only covers multiple subjects, but is enjoyable and helps to enforce a love of learning in your student, then it is a definite win!
Perfect Reading, Beautiful Handwriting ebook is one of those wins for the Foote Family Homeschool.
Although Sarah is above the age/grade range on this subject, you can see by the look on her face that she absolutely loved every minute of it!

We were given a copy of, Perfect Reading, Beautiful Handwriting ebook , published by Everyday Education, LLC to review for the TOS Review Crew.
Sarah was excited the moment she saw the ebook being printed out! She quickly came running to help organize the sheets.
The Perfect Reading Beautiful Handwriting ebook
This product is an ebook, which is delivered straight to your email in a .pdf format. Just simply print out each page as your student is ready to complete.
There are 60 lessons included to help teach your student phonics, reading, spelling, and beautiful handwriting skills.
Easy to use lessons allow your student to write right in this consumable e-book.
Simple lessons of both tracing and copywork help to ensure that your student learns each letter, word, and sentence.
I found this program worked perfectly with the Charlotte Mason method, including copywork and even dictation in my student’s weekly lessons.
How to Use the Perfect Reading Beautiful Handwriting ebook
Years ago, when I first started homeschooling back in the early 90’s, I would painstakingly write out all of my children’s lessons out. My hands still hurt just thinking about dotting out all of those letters, words, and sentences for my little ones to copy!
There are no more sore hands with this curriculum! The Perfect Reading Beautiful Handwriting ebook has everything you need to teach your student for you.
It starts off easy by teaching how to properly write each vowel. Next, the consonants are taught.
After the vowels and consonants have been covered, the book teaches phonics through the same method as the book, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Lessons.
These lessons teach reading with phonics, and work perfectly as spelling words.
My student was required to copy out each word neatly, then study them for a spelling test.
Words progress into sentences. The Perfect Reading Beautiful Handwriting ebook provides all of the sentences for you in an easy manner that allows your student to see the proper way to write it out, then gives space right under each line for them to copy it out for themselves.
By the end of the 60 lessons, students are able to read, spell, and write out quotes and Scripture in beautiful handwriting.
Help for Teaching
The beginning of the book is filled with all kinds of tips, tricks, and teaching plans to make sure that this curriculum is a total success for your student.
I really love the fact that each lesson can be done in a total of only five to ten minutes!
The writer of the Perfect Reading Beautiful Handwriting ebook encourages you not to overwhelm your little ones as they are just learning to hold to write.
A little dab will do ya!
They explain out the proper way to hold a writing instrument, and encourage proper posture, which is key to good penmanship.
Foote Family Homeschool
The Foote family homeschool gives the Perfect Reading Beautiful Handwriting ebook a five star rating!
TOS Crew Reviews
Make sure you head over HERE to read more TOS Crew reviews on the Perfect Reading Beautiful Handwriting ebook!
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