Remote Online School Ultimate SchoolhouseTeachers Homeschool Program 2021

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Remote Online School Ultimate SchoolhouseTeachers Homeschool Program 2021

Whether you are new to homeschooling, or an experienced veteran at this stuff, you will definitely want to check out the website,

This is my family’s main online school curriculum.

We started homeschooling in 1993. Oh, what I would have given to have had such a thoroughly complete curriculum, like  back then!

The masterminds behind The Old Schoolhouse magazine are the same people who created

Paul and Gena Suarez are household names in the homeschooling community. They not only create amazing and relevant content for homeschooling families today, but they were also right there in the trenches with us. They homeschooled all of their children. was launched back in 2012. They now have well over 7,000 members.

It’s no wonder so many homeschooling families are signing up for this awesome online program.

Ultimate SchoolhouseTeachers Homeschool Program 2021

The Ultimate SchoolhouseTeachers Homeschool Program 2021 has hundreds of courses to choose from.

Everything you need to teach your children is included.

There are no contracts, no hidden costs, no textbooks and no workbooks to purchase.

This is excellent news for anyone who homeschools, but especially exciting if you have more than one child.

These prices include a one-time price for your entire family!

You can imagine how someone like me feels about this deal. (12 kids!)

What a difference from so many other online courses that charge per child! is filled with just about every course you could think of. They have hundreds of courses to choose from. There’s a wonderful SCOPE and SEQUENCE to help you decide which courses work at which grade levels.

You are not locked into these grade levels though. The creators of understands that many homeschooling families don’t lock themselves into grade levels.

Many of us have students all over the grade level spectrum. I have heard many of my own children say something like, “I am in 10th grade, but I am doing 9th-grade math, 12th-grade history, and 11th-grade science!”

SCHOOLHOUSETEACHERS accounts for that by giving you access to ALL GRADE LEVELS at all times. You will have 24/7 access to every single course available on their website.

One of the things that my family really enjoys about this program is the choices it gives.

Back in the day, when my children would want to choose a variety of lesson plans, we simply couldn’t afford to buy all of them.

With Schoolhouseteachers, all of these courses are right at our fingertips, and already paid for!

I sit down with each child individually and put together a curriculum that works for them personally.

If we get into a course and find out that it doesn’t actually fit with the student, we just switch courses. And best of all, there are no extra costs to worry about!

Some of My Family’s Main Online School courses include:


My family started homeschooling way back in 1993. When my oldest son hit Algebra I, we came to a screeching standstill. It was a scramble to figure out how on earth I was going to be able to teach this class. I never took Algebra in school. I majored in business, so Business Math was my specialty.

Where was when I needed them?!?

I found an Algebra course on VHS. Judson was thrilled when we popped that baby into the VCR. His first statement was, Boy, I like this math teacher way better than my last one!

Me too, Jud. Me too!

As much as we loved our Algebra videos, they just can’t compare to what’s available via the internet today.

Math courses include everything you could ever
possibly need to teach your children. You could even choose to upgrade your own knowledge of math through these lessons. Courses cover teaching preschoolers about shapes and numbers all the way up to teaching your highschoolers about Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, and even Trig! No more worrying about teaching all of that in-between stuff either! There are both printables and online lessons on everything math. Look out, fractions! has you covered!


My family members are all very musical, so we really appreciated the fact that music was not overlooked in this online program.

Courses included lessons in voice, music appreciation, and actual musical instrument instruction.

My kids really enjoy the violin and drum lessons.

Bible Course

Bible courses are aimed at the entire family. There are lessons taught via videos, worksheets, printable text, and of course, your Bible.

My young children and grandchildren absolutely love the Adventurers of Donkey Ollie videos!

My youngest daughter, Sarah, loves Bible study and science class.

Imagine her delight when we found the course, A Different Kind of Bible Study. These lessons combine the study of science with actual Bible Scripture.

One of Sarah’s favorite lessons was on the study of the ant.

Electives does not lack for electives either. The choices are downright amazing! Some choices include:

Accounting 101, Breadmaking Devotional, Business Plan Creation, Career Exploration, College Choice Guidance, Filmmaking, Fun with Cooking, Hands-on Architecture, Hands-on Design Fun, Heritage Crafts, Home Economics, Homesteading, Image Editing & Creation, Introduction to Architecture, Introduction to Graphic Design, Leadership 101, Logic, Media Socialization, Money 101, Personal Finance in Bite-Size Chunks, Photography, Photography Challenge, SAT-ACT Prep, Social Justice, Starting a Micro Business for Teens, Whole Food Cooking with Sue Gregg, and Wildlife Adventurers

My Family’s Main Online School Also Offers:

English Language Arts



Social Studies





Computer & Technology

Drama & Speech

Health and Fitness

Unit Studies

Literacy Center

Learning Center


Just for Parents 

Schoolhouse Teachers includes vital information, like schedule building, record keeping, scope & sequence, information charts, help with high school, and even special needs learning help.

The Main Online School at the Foote House

Our family has never really done summer vacation. My children, however, do count down to summer vacation. They just don’t actually take one.

I have never told them that you don’t actually do school on summer vacation. 🙂

We don’t keep our rigid school schedule in the summertime. It is more delight-directed learning. has made it super easy for the kids to find full courses, videos, worksheets, and so much more to help them learn about their interests.

Judy, age 16, has a lot of different interests this summer. She enjoyed scrolling through the website on her own and putting together her own summertime lesson plan.

Guitar Lessons

This is a video-based course taught by a homeschooling dad, who just happens to also be a recording artist!

The class is taught using a variety of resources, which include videos, downloadable worksheets, and detailed pictures showing the student exactly how and where to hold the guitar and fingers.

She will be able to even print a certificate of completion at the end of this course.

Daily Writing Lessons

Seriously, who couldn’t use a little extra writing practice? The text-based course is aimed at grades 4 – 12, but I think it would also work well for advanced 3rd graders, and even for adults who would like to brush up on the basics.

There are more than 1500 writing prompts!

Geography Lessons

A Splash of Geography is taught by Terri Johnson of Knowledge Quest. Here’s a list of the topics covered:

St. Patrick

Maps and Timeline 20th Century Topics

Maps 20th Century Topics

20th Century topics

New Zealand

My Country Book

Explore His Earth

Maps and Timeline 20th Century Topics

Maps 20th Century Topics

20th Century topics

New Zealand

My Country Book

Explore His Earth

Explore the Holy Land

European settlers and Native American tribes

Industrial England

Jacques Cartier Voyages and Sacagawea Stolen

Golden Age of Greece, Alexander the Great, and The Roman Empire

Geology Lessons

This Geology course is a 32-week video-based program. It’s aimed at grades 4 through 12.

American History Lessons

This American history course is a 32-week video-based program for grades 6 through 12.

American Government Lessons

American Government is an 18-week course. It’s a text-based, interactive program aimed at 7th – 12th grades.

Remote Online School Ultimate SchoolhouseTeachers Homeschool Program 2021

schoolhouse teachers

Give your children a Fresh Start this year with the refreshing change of home education and purchase a membership today! Use code: START139 to pay only $139/yr or code: START16 to pay only $16/mo.

Surviving homeschooling merely by the skin of your teeth? Regain your strength and stamina in 2021 by using the code START139 .

The best part is this one price covers your entire family!

You can use this program with all of your family.

It covers preschool right through high school.

Not only that, but it also has plenty of good stuff just for the parents!

My Family’s Main Online School

My family’s main online school has been Schoolhouse Teachers for years.

There is truly something for the entire family.

Many nights, we would simply turn on one of the amazing documentaries offered, and enjoy a family movie night.

Christina and Sarah are enjoying the video section. Judy is enjoying her self-designed summer school program.

If you are considering pulling your child out of public school, you are not alone.

Many families across the world are finding that by providing a safe educational environment at home their children are thriving.

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