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Whatsoever Stories – Prisoner of War - a Homeschool Review
a Homeschool Crew Review
Thank you, Whatsoever Stories, and the Homeschool Review Crew for giving us the opportunity to review Prisoner of War.
Whatsoever Stories – Prisoner of War
The Beginning
The year was 1943.
The Americans had been pulled into World War II since the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 6, 1941.
Young Staff Sergeant Charles Brentley, only 19-years old, was the right waist gunner flying in an American bomber plane over the enemy-occupied area of France.
Sergeant Brentley was proud to be helping preserve America’s liberty.
He hoped to help win back the stolen freedom of the conquered people of Europe and Asia.
He was proud to step up and fight for the same freedom his older brother stood for when he lost his life that dark day at Pearl Harbor.
Things quickly changed when Sergeant Brentley was ordered to abandon his post and parachute out of the plane into enemy territory after his plane caught fire.
Upon landing, he was quickly taken prisoner by Nazi soldiers.
Part of the Rescue Team
Name, rank, and serial number?
What’s your position?
First Lieutenant Nathanael J. Whitlock, serial number oh-seven-four-one-eight-five-seven, sir.
Position is pilot assigned to five-one-four, otherwise known as Bullseye, of the Third Squadron of the Wings of Service, sir.
Lieutenant Nathanael J. Whitlock had landed in a special military camp.
He would end up being part of the rescue crew that went in to save Young Staff Sergeant Charles Brentley and the other prisoners of war.
Prisoner of War
First Lieutenant Nathanael J. Whitlock was super excited about his sudden thoughts.
What if we could rescue all of the prisoners!
Captain Breth stood speechless for a moment.
Are you suggesting the Wings of Service fly into an enemy camp and fly all two or three hundred unarmed men out of enemy territory?!?
Lieutenant Whitlock was suggesting just that!
War and Faith
William and Zach, two fellow soldiers are having a heart to heart after all of their heroic adventurers.
William asked Zach, What would have happened if you would have made your jump with that faulty parachute?
Zach, kind of shocked at the question, answered, I guess I would have gone to heaven. I mean, I am a good person, and good people go to heaven, right?
William asked, Which standard do you use for measuring goodness?
William points Zach to the Ten Commandments and simply asks him where he would fall according to that measurement.
He then lays out the salvation plan and Zach finds his forgiveness in Christ.
Whatsoever Stories
Whatsoever Stories are all written with God-honoring values.
If you are looking for books to help inspire your readers to follow Godly values and principles while engaging in an adventure-filled novel, then these are the books you have been praying for!
Prisoner of War is just one of the books Whatsoever Stories has to offer.
The Foote Family Homeschool's Opinion on Whatsoever Stories:
Our family thoroughly enjoys reading historical accurate novels.
Whatsoever Stories are filled with attention-grabbing adventure and faith-filled moments that keep you wanting to read more.
The Foote Family Homeschool highly recommends adding Whatsoever Stories to your family’s library.
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