Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. You can read my entire disclosure policy over here.

Christian Focus presents: 30 Prophecies: One Story – How God’s Word Points to Jesus

There is just something about getting a brand-new, hardcover book in the mail. My kids and I were excited when our TOS Crew review product, 30 Prophecies: One Story – How God’s Word Points to Jesus, published by Christian Focus.
As most of my readers know, we are a Bible-believing, Christian family. We really love to read about the prophecies found throughout the Bible.
Prophecies are simply events found throughout history that point to Jesus.
How is the 30 Prophecies Book Set Up
The book consists of over ninety pages. Each prophecy is written out on two pages. The book is set up with the following format:
Prophet/Dates – The name of the prophet and the time in history when the prophecy was first given is told under this heading.
Prophecy Made – This part tells the prophecy that was given. It quotes exactly what the prophet said, and gives the Bible reference to it.
Then and There – This tells what this prophecy meant to the original people given the prophecy.
Prophecy Fulfilled – This part tells how and where the prophecy was fulfilled.
Scarlet Thread – This is my favorite part of the book. The scarlet thread refers to the blood line of Jesus that runs starting in the first book of the Bible all the way to the end. If it is referring to, or leading to Jesus, then we Christians call this the scarlet thread.
Application – This is the part that shows how to prophecy points to Jesus.
Prayer – Of course, you can’t read all of these prophecies, and see how wonderfully they point to Jesus throughout all 66 books of the Bible without ending each lesson with a prayer to God!

Timeline and Bible Memory Verses
There is a timeline of prophecies and prophets found at the beginning of the book.
The end of the book gives ten key Bible verses about messianic prophecy for your family to memorize.
(Messianic prophecy simply means prophecies pointing to the Messiah, Jesus.)
A sample Bible memory verse comes from Acts 3:18-19:
“. . . this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, saying that his Messiah would suffer. Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out . . . “
Who are the Prophets
There are two pages dedicated to helping you learn about each one of the prophets.
This page explains what each prophet did, what he wrote in the Bible, and where his story took place.
For example:
Moses spent forty years living in the palace of Egypt, although he was the son of Hebrew slaves. He spent the next forty years living in the wilderness after killing an Egyptian. Moses spent the following forty years wandering through the desert with the Hebrew people.
It is believed that Moses is the author of Genesis, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and parts of Exodus. These are the first five books of the Bible.
Moses story is mainly found in the book of Exodus.
It goes on to talk about King David, Asaph, Nathan, Jonah, Isaiah, Micah, Hosea, Daniel, Jeremiah, and Zechariah.
How are the Prophecies Divided
The prophecies of Jesus are divided into six sections. Each one of these sections lists the Bible references that coincide with the topic.
Prophecies about Jesus’ Birth
Prophecies about Jesus’ Death
Prophecies about Jesus’ Resurrection
Prophecies about Jesus’ Betrayal and Rejection
Prophecies about What Jesus Did
Prophecies about Who Jesus Is

How Our Family Used the 30 Prophecies Book
If you have followed me for even a short period of time, then you already know how much we enjoy our family read-aloud times.
30 Prophecies: One Story – How God’s Word Points to Jesus fit very well into our Bible study/family read aloud times.
Our family enjoyed gathering into the living room and curling up on the couches with blankets, while mama did the reading.
This read-aloud led to many good discussions and Bible research.
Make sure you go OVER HERE to read all of the TOS Crew reviews written on a variety of Christian Focus products, including 30 Prophecies: One Story.

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