6 Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Kids

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Last-Minute Gift Ideas
Last-Minute Gift Ideas

6 Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Kids

My grandmother was born on June 2, 1921.

Year after year, we would throw a surprise birthday party for her.

Oddly enough, the party was thrown every Memorial Day weekend at my aunt’s house.

Same place. Same weekend. Same time.

Every year, we yelled, SURPRISE, GRANDMA!

Do you think she was surprised?

She acted like it to me!

Guess what?

It is almost Christmas!

Yup, Christmas comes every year on the exact same date.

Did you know that Christmas always falls on December 25th?

Every. Single. Year.

Someone once told me that it is not possible for Christmas to sneak up on anyone because it always falls on the exact same day.

What do you think?

Does Christmas seem to sneak up on you?

It’s not really a surprise.

Are you ready?

Have you purchased all of your gifts, or could you use a few last-minute gift ideas?

I like simple gifts anytime, but when it is this close to Christmas, it is time to seriously consider simple last-minute gift ideas.

Here are a few last-minute gift ideas for the kids in your life.


Do you remember stationery and letter writing?

I remember getting some flowery stationery as a gift when I was a child, and it was one of my favorite gifts that year.

With the pandemic and so many people feeling lonesome at home, I think this is the perfect time to bring letter-writing back into play.

Some pretty paper and envelopes would make a beautiful last-minute gift idea.

Greeting Cards

Greeting cards have the same concept as the stationery but may work better for those on your list who are not so apt to sit down and write out an entire letter yet.

My daughter, Jaimie, had our family write out Christmas cards for our local nursing home last year.

My daughter, Judy, always likes to have us write Christmas cards to American soldiers.


Don’t forget the stamps!

There are so many designs to choose from too.

I always try to keep a roll of stamps on hand at our house for all of my letter writers.

Special Pens

Add in some special pens and this rounds out this type of gift idea!

There is nothing like a special pen to encourage someone to write.

Baking Sets

My kids and grands have always enjoyed getting their own little baking sets.

They are super easy to throw together and don’t have to cost an arm and a leg either.

Pick up a bowl, pot holder, and spatula from the Dollar Tree or Walmart.

Add in a few different cookie and cake mixes, and you have an amazing, fun, and yummy gift.

My daughters and granddaughters have always loved getting their very own baking sets for Christmas.

Tool Sets

I have never met a little boy, or girl for that matter, who didn’t absolutely love to get their very own toolset.

It keeps them from getting into trouble by always having mommy and daddy’s tools too!

My children and grandchildren have always loved getting real tools for Christmas this.

I have found toolboxes at my local Dollar Tree and Harbor Freight has some really affordable tools.

Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Kids

Christmas doesn’t have to be an expensive, financially stressful time of the year.

With all of the changes that the 2020 pandemic brought into all of our lives, maybe now is the time to teach our children that Christmas doesn’t have to be about receiving expensive gifts.

Let this be the year that Christmas becomes simplified.

Make Christmas 2021 more about presence and less about presents.

Leave a comment below and let me know how you are simplifying Christmas this year.

Make sure you tell me about the last-minute gift ideas you are grabbing too!


Affordable Stocking Stuffers for Christmas 2021

Stocking Stuffers
Affordable Stocking Stuffers for Christmas 2021

I am always so surprised to hear parents say they put expensive presents into their children’s stockings.

I can’t help but think about Laura and Mary, from Little House on the Prairie, opening up their Christmas stockings and being excited to find a penny, a pair of homemade red mittens, and a cookie sprinkled with sugar on top.

 Laura and Mary were super excited and in awe to get such wonderful gifts for Christmas.

That was it. There weren’t any more gifts to open, and they were happy.

The world has really turned crazy over the last couple of years.

It is the perfect time to slow down and rethink the way we celebrate anything, including Christmas.

It’s time to simplify Christmas.

Check out my article, Affordable Stocking Stuffers for Christmas to see how simple stocking stuffers are at my house.

Christmas Holiday Planner

Christmas Holiday Planner

This is a 25-page e-book.

It includes things like:

  • Holiday budget
  • Christmas card list
  • Contact list
  • Christmas decorations list
  • Craft & Project planner
  • Homemade Gift list
  • Christmas baking ideas page
  • Christmas baking shopping list
  • Recipe cards
  • Christmas Eve plans page
  • Christmas activities page
  • Songs, poems, & play page
  • Christmas Eve dinner menu
  • Christmas dinner menu
  • Christmas party plans
  • Grocery shopping list
  • What sizes are we page
  • Family wish list
  • Gift list
  • Stocking stuffers
  • Bucket list
  • Charities page
  • December calendar

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Candy had been a good shopper for years. With 12 children, it didn’t take her long to realize that if she wasn’t a smart shopper, she wouldn’t make it very far! She wanted to continue to be a stay-at-home mother, but she wondered if this was going to be possible. Then, she found out about coupons. Coupons have literally changed her life!

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