Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. You can read my entire disclosure policy over here.

Carole P. Roman’s Assorted Series – TOS Crew Review
Carole P. Roman, the creator of the Carole P. Roman’s assorted series, has made learning fun and enjoyable for children of all ages. Her children’s books are a delight.
The mailman often brings great joy and delight with each delivery, and these books were no exception.
My family was excited to receive four of the assorted series to use and enjoy in our homeschool.

I chose to review the books that covered Kenya, Russia, Greece, and Australia.
Each one is a short book packed with a big punch of information. Everyone really enjoyed all of the beautifully designed illustrations, and I certainly enjoyed the large font!
Each book follows the same pattern by giving little fun facts.
If You Were Me and Lived in . . . KENYA

If You Were Me and Lived in . . . KENYA – A Child’s Introduction to Culture Around the World
Here are the fun facts given in the KENYA book:
Capital city: Nairobi
Pronunciation of both the continent and country is shown.
Major cities are both named and the pronunciations are shown.
Popular boys’ names in KENYA are names like Jaramogi and Feruzi.
Popular girls’ names in KENYA are names like Dalia and Zawadi.
Kenyans call their mommies, Mama, and their daddies, Baba.
The money used in KENYA is called shillings.
Carole describes the types of foods that are typically consumed in KENYA.
It was fun to see the types of games that keep Kenyan children busy, like cricket.
The book explains different days of celebrations in KENYA.
Finally, the book tells you the name of the school in KENYA, which is shule.
If You Were Me and Lived in . . . RUSSIA

If You Were Me and Lived in . . . RUSSIA – A Child’s Introduction to Culture Around the World
Here are the fun facts given in the RUSSIA book:
Capital city: MOSCOW
Pronunciation of both the continent and country is shown.
Major cities are both named and the pronunciations are shown.
Popular boys’ names in RUSSIA are names like Ivan and Alexander.
Popular girls’ names in RUSSIA are names like Tatiana and Anya.
RUSSIANS call their mommies, Mamochka, and their daddies, Papochka.
The money used in RUSSIA is called rubles.
Carole describes the types of foods that are typically consumed in RUSSIA.
It was fun to see the types of games that keep RUSSIAN children busy, like xoken.
The book explains different days of celebrations in RUSSIA.
Finally, the book tells you the name of the school in RUSSIA, which is shkola.
If You Were Me and Lived in . . . GREECE

If You Were Me and Lived in . . . GREECE – A Child’s Introduction to Culture Around the World
Here are the fun facts given in the GREECE book:
Capital city: Athens
The pronunciation of the country is named and the pronunciation is shown.
Popular boys’ names in GREECE are names like Dimitrios and Nikolaos.
Popular girls’ names in GREECE are names like Sophia and Katerina.
The people of Greece call their mommies, Mama and their daddies, Baba.
The money used in GREECE is called drachmas.
Carole describes the types of foods that are typically consumed in GREECE.
It was fun to see the types of games that keep children in GREECE busy, like the types of games seen in the beginning times of the Olympics.
The book explains different days of celebrations in GREECE.
Finally, the book tells you the name of the school in GREECE, which is sklayoh.
If You Were Me and Lived in . . . AUSTRALIA

If You Were Me and Lived in . . . AUSTRALIA – A Child’s Introduction to Culture Around the World
Here are the fun facts given in the AUSTRALIA book:
Capital city: CANBERRA
Pronunciation of both the continent and country is shown.
Major cities are both named and the pronunciations are shown.
Popular boys’ names in AUSTRALIA are names like Oliver and Jack.
Popular girls’ names in AUSTRALIA are names like Ruby and Charlotte.
AUSTRALIANS call their mommies, Mummy, and their daddies, Daddy.
The money used in AUSTRALIA is called dollars.
Carole P. Roman describes the types of foods that are typically consumed in AUSTRALIA.
It was fun to see the types of games that keep AUSTRALIAN children busy, like cricket.
The book explains different days of celebrations in AUSTRALIA.
Finally, the book tells you the name of the school in AUSTRALIA, which is a primary school.
All This and More
All of these fun facts of vital geographical information and more are included in each book.
Carole covers many more countries in the other books included in this series, but we just did these four.
Carole P. Roman makes learning easy and fun!
How Our Family Used these Books

Sarah, age 12, was really pleased with all four of these books. They are short, sweet, and to the point. There is no fluff in these books!
Sarah and I curled up in a comfy chair and read all four books in one setting.
The Foote Family’s Recommendation
The Foote family highly recommends the Carole P. Roman’s Assorted Series!
Five stars from us: *****
Here’s how you can get your own copies of Carole P. Roman’s assorted series
You can find the entire Carole P. Roman’s assorted series over at Amazon. Simply follow this link to get your own copies.
Read More TOS Crew Reviews
You can learn a lot more about Carole P. Roman’s assorted series by checking out these TOS Crew reviews over here.

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Thanks to the Foote family for reading and reviewing!!!