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Christmas Shopping in October – How to Fill the Gift Closet
My kids love to play dress-up, but the cost of those cutesy outfits found
in typical stores can cost an arm and a leg!
The absolute best spot to find dress-up clothes and costumes is at your
local thrift shops.
They have a variety of outfits that you can use to fill up an old trunk, tote, or even just a box, then give the children in your life a Dress-up Box.
Dress-up Boxes provide hours of fun as these children use their
imaginations instead of sitting in front of the television or computer
I love to fill these boxes with all kinds of ties, men’s suits, and prom
I grab scarves and bandanas, along with assorted hats and gloves.
Thrift shops are filled with cheap jewelry, and no Dress-up Box would be complete without a bunch of old beaded necklaces!
During this month I find a huge variety of costumes and wigs.
I also buy all of the teacups, teapots, and old tools that I find in these
These things go great once everyone is dressed up in their outfits!
Candy will be on sale practically everywhere this month. Match up sales
with coupons to get the best prices.

Our October Christmas Goals
- Shop the thrift shops for dress-up clothes and costumes.
- Buy real items versus their toy counterparts, like teacups and tools.
- Watch for all of those great candy sales!

Christmas with Strategic Shopping the Twelve Months of Christmas
This is just a sample chapter out of my eBook, Christmas with Strategic Shopping the Twelve Months of Christmas.
Order your copy today and follow along to get the best deals all year long
I have marked it down to just $3.99!
Christmas is never over. It’s always coming!
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