Disclosure Policy for the Candy Foote Club
Here is the disclosure policy for the Candy Foote Club. This website is written and edited by me personally. I enjoy living the frugal, simple lifestyle and sharing my knowledge on this blog.
One of my joys is teaching others that life can be fully enjoyed while living a simple lifestyle, using a budget, and having a thrifty mindset.
I am convinced that the number one way to save money is to learn to be content with what you have now. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have goals to improve life, but enjoy what you have while reaching for what you want or need in the future.
As far as your budget is concerned, I fully believe that we focus too much on our income and not enough on how much is going out. It is not about how much is coming in. It is about how much is going out.
I do participate in affiliations on this blog. I am an affiliate with many companies, which in simple terms means I advertise for companies, and they compensate me via products, services, or monetary means.
Some companies will compensate me for reviewing their products, but rest assured that I give my honest opinions in these reviews.
Some companies compensate me only if someone follows a link through either a text or picture and then makes a purchase. This never makes the price of the product higher for you the consumer. The company is paying me a fee for advertising for them on my website. I am also paid a small fee for advertising coupons.
Amazon, TOS Review Crew, and More
A couple of my affiliates include Amazon and the TOS Review Crew, but there are many more.
Please be advised that many of the sites that you visit through my blog/website use cookies to track who is visiting them, and where they clicked through to get to their sites.
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Disclosure Policy for candyfoote.club