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Eating off the Homestead in the Summer of 2021
Since today is the first day of summer 2021, I thought it might be fun if I started a little summertime series of the types of things I am eating off the homestead each week. Anyone interested in that? Leave a comment below and let me know.
Things are really just starting to come alive on the homestead. Wintertime is long in Northern, New York, so everything tends to get a very slow start around here.

Herbs on the Homestead
A lot of the herbs are starting to thrive. I don’t think I have ever seen my Greek oregano doing as well as it is this year. I planted catnip for the first time this year. I haven’t tried any yet.
I have used a lot of my other herbs in both cooking and fresh garden herb tea on almost a daily basis though.
My herbs have included, lemon balm, sage, peppermint, oregano, thyme, and rosemary.
I don’t have a specific herb that I cook with or fix a cup of tea with. It’s more of a wander through the garden and pick whatever I feel like kind of thing.
Other things I like to add to my tea include, raspberry leaves, blackberry leaves, dandelion, nettles, red clover, and wild rose.
I use each one of these plants fresh when I have it, but I also spend a lot of time collecting them to dehydrate so that I can enjoy the good fruits of the homestead all year long.

Chickens and Eggs on the Homestead
I have a small flock of twelve chickens whom I like to call My Ladies. They have been providing the homestead with 12+ fresh eggs every single day.
Fresh eggs make it hard to not enjoy eating on the homestead!
There are so many ways to eat eggs. I have been frying them, scrambling them, and making a lot of egg salad. I love to gather up a bunch of fresh herbs, baby spinach, garlic chives, and green onion to add in with the fresh, farm eggs.
A nice omelet and a cup of herb tea make some of the best meals to eat on the homestead this time of year.

Eating Lunch on the Homestead
Eating lunch on the homestead lately has been a large garden salad made up of a mix and match variety of baby spinach, assorted lettuce, red veined sorrel, garlic chives, green onions, radishes, wild rose, wood sorrel, plantain, and both green and red clover.
I like to add a boiled egg to the salad, or just eat an egg salad sandwich along with it.
Of course, I drink a nice hot cup of fresh, herb tea too!

Bringing Fresh Food in from Off the Homestead
None of my berries are fruiting yet, so I have been buying strawberries off from the Amish in my area. I can’t wait for my new strawberry plants to take off and start producing!
The rhubarb is still looking great! I need to make a nice strawberry rhubarb pie.
I have frozen a lot of fresh strawberries and plan on both dehydrating and freezing some rhubarb too.

Other things to eat on the Homestead
Other things I eat off the homestead come out of a jar or my freezer. I didn’t necessarily grow these things on the homestead, but I preserved them through a variety of methods, including pressure canning, water bath canning, freezing, and dehydrating.
With my preserved foods, I am able to create practically any meal I desire.
This time of year, I eat a lot of simple meals, like chicken salad sandwiches from my home-canned chicken.
Soups, sandwiches, and full-course meals are easy and quick to prepare once you get your pantry stocked.
Come along with me throughout this summer and see how I simplify my eating and meals here on the homestead.
Never eat anything without doing your own full research. Many things in nature tend to have an evil twin. The rule of thumb is to always check with at least three different reputable sources before trying anything new.
Homestead Resources
Interested in building a food pantry from your own homestead? Check out some of the resources I use on my own homestead OVER HERE.

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