Disclosure: I received this product free through the Homeschool Review Crew
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Essential Timeline Library from Home School in the Woods
a Homeschool Crew Review
Thank you, Home School in the Woods, and the Homeschool Review Crew for giving the Foote Family Homeschool the opportunity to do a review on the Printable “Essential Timeline Library”.
I am convinced that time is way shorter than most people realize.
My mother’s grandmother was born in the 1800’s.
My father’s grandmother was born in 1902.
These were my great-grandmothers. Just one great, and here we are in 2022!
I also believe most people would be shocked to realize how different things in history cross paths.
That is one reason I love timelines.
Timelines put things into perspective.
Printable “Essential Timeline Library” from Home School in the Woods has put together a 127-page timeline dated from 5000 BC to 2050 AD.
1,444 Timeline Figures
The Printable “Essential Timeline Library” was too massive for us to cover within this review time period
There were over 1,444 timeline figures included in this set.
Each timeline is given the option of being printed out in two sizes – wall timeline size and notebook timeline size.
They are also available to be printed with and without the text included with the pictures.
We chose to print ours in the notebook size with the text included on the pictures.
Sarah created a historical notebook using the timeline printables:
- Creation to Christ
- Resurrection to Revolution
- Napoleon to Now
- America’s History
Creation to Christ
We started out with the Creation to Christ printable.
This printable starts out covering:
- The Creation
- The Dinosaurs
- Adam and Eve
- Methuselah
- Cain and Abel
- Noah and the Flood
- Jubal and Tubal-Cain
- Enoch
- The Ice Age
- The Tower of Babel
It doesn’t stop there. It goes from the beginning of creation to the 1st Century World History.
Resurrection to Revolution
The Resurrection to Revolution printable starts out covering:
- John
- Vespasian
- Domitian
- Stephen
- Flavius Josephus
- Paul
- Peter
- Day of Pentecost
- Titus
- Trajan
- Nero
- Boadicea
It continues from Resurrection through Revolution.
That covers the years 0 – 1799 A.D. World History.
Napoleon to Now
The Napoleon to Now printable starts out covering:
- Ottoman Empire
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- James Watt
- Francois Dominique Toussaint L’Ouverture
- Industrial Revolution Begins
- Horatio Nelson
- Robert Fulton
- William Wilberforce
- William Carey
- Francis II
- Robert and James Haldane
- Napoleon Bonaparte
It covers Napoleon through today.
That’s 1750 A.D. through Modern-Day World History.
America's History
American History printable starts out covering:
- Magna Charta
- Iroquois League
- Amerigo Vespucci
- Juan Ponce de Leon
- Leif Eriksson
- Tenochtitlan
- Francisco Pizzaro
- John Cabot
- Vasco Nunez de Balboa
- Christopher Columbus
- Montezuma II
American History printables cover Explorers through the 21st Century.
Downloadable for Your Entire Family
I really appreciate the fact that Home School in the Woods allows its customers to re-download their products as many times as necessary for use within their immediate family once they have set up a customer account.
How We Used Our Timeline
We decided to just print out our timeline sheets with the text printed on them and insert them into a 3-ring binder.
Then, we read the information under the pictures together.
Sarah's Timeline Notebook
These notebooks are more than just a simple school project.
They become keepsakes that the children and parents treasure.
You don’t have to use this entire program in one year.
I really appreciate that these notebooks can be added to year after year.
Sarah created a timeline using only some of the printable resources offered in the Printable “Essential Timeline Library”.
Use the Timeline as Copywork
Sarah and I plan on creating a new notebook using the Essential Timeline Library this fall when we return to school.
This time we will print the timeline without the text and use each page as a daily timeline assignment.
Wall Timeline
There are two settings to choose from when printing.
One is to print at the perfect size for making notebooks.
The other is for making a wall timeline.
Foote Family Homeschool
This timeline was way too big for us to use during this review period.
We liked it so much that we plan on continuing to use it during the 2022-2023 school year.
The Foote Family Homeschool gives Printable “Essential Timeline Library” (Grades K-12) a big thumb’s up!
Read More Homeschool Crew Reviews
Make sure you GO HERE to read more Homeschool Crew Reviews about Printable “Essential Timeline Library” (Grades K-12)

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