February 2019 Meal Planning

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February 2019 Meal Planning

February 2019 Meal Planning

Is it just me, or did January fly by! Time is moving so quickly, which is one of the reasons I love to at least have a general idea of what is cooking for supper each night. That’s why I have a general February 2019 Meal Plan.

I have never been good at sticking strictly to a day to day meal plan, but I have been dedicating certain meals to certain days a lot lately. It is true that different things work better during different seasons of life. During this season, it works well for our family.

We are starting off the month with a nice roast beef simmering away in the crock pot as I write this post. Side dishes will include potatoes, corn, green beans, toss salad, and fresh, homemade dinner rolls slathered with butter. Tomorrow’s leftover roast will be turned into some nice soup and stew. (Here’s hoping there will be leftovers! This crew LOVES roast beef!)

Fridays = Pizza Night

Fridays are still Pizza Night at the Foote house. We LOVE our pizza! My 16 year old daughter, Judy, is our official pizza maker. Judy has been cooking almost as long as she could stand up to the kitchen counter. She is an amazing chef. She makes the pizza from scratch. The dough and sauce are both homemade. She wants to try making homemade mozzarella someday soon.

Taco Tuesday

My youngest daughter, Sarah, still wants to dedicate Tuesday nights to Taco Tuesday. Sarah is eleven and absolutely loves to cook. These Foote kids are good cooks! Sarah enjoys baking cakes, making brownies, and of course, baking cookies. Tacos are her favorite! She wants to make tacos every Tuesday this February. She usually serves them up a little differently each week. Sometimes she makes rice, corn, and toss salad. Sometimes she just serves potato chips. Any way they are served up, Sarah’s tacos are delicious!

Valentine’s Day

Family Birthdays

Our family has three more February birthdays too. Two of my grandsons are turning four this month, plus one of my daughters-in-love is celebrating a milestone birthday. We will celebrate with lots of fun, food, and family time.

February 2019 Meal Planning

Other things that are on the meal plan options list this month include soup and sandwiches, breakfast for dinner, mac ‘n cheese, pork chops, and spaghetti.

What kind of things are on your February meal plan?

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Candy had been a good shopper for years. With 12 children, it didn’t take her long to realize that if she wasn’t a smart shopper, she wouldn’t make it very far! She wanted to continue to be a stay-at-home mother, but she wondered if this was going to be possible. Then, she found out about coupons. Coupons have literally changed her life!

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