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How to Make Homemade Hot Cocoa for a Crowd
Do you enjoy a nice hot cup of cocoa? Do you serve it to your family, or ever need to make hot cocoa for a crowd? My family is a crowd!
I love the smell of coffee. It smells so fresh and yummy. I love it when the kitchen is filled with its yummy aroma. The problem is I can’t stand the taste of the stuff!

BUNN Coffee Maker
Nope, I am not a coffee drinker. I have a really nice coffee maker though. Quite a few years ago I bit the bullet and forked out some coin for a BUNN coffee maker. It is an awesome machine, and is able to have coffee all fresh and brewed within three minutes! Now, that’s impressive! No matter how big of a hurry a person is in it is way cheaper to wait out a three-minute coffee maker rather than sit in a drive-thru line to grab coffee on the way to work!
One of my favorite things about a BUNN coffee maker is their guarantee. I used my BUNN for a few year before the heater quit working. I contacted the BUNN company and gave them the codes on my coffee maker. They said it was still under the warranty, and mailed me a new one. I did, however, have to pay the cost to ship the old one back. Pretty good deal, I would say!
A few years later the heater went up in the new one. Again, they mailed me a new one, and I only paid to return the broken coffee maker.
All and all, I would have to say it is definitely worth paying extra for a BUNN coffee maker just because of their guarantee alone!
Hot Green Tea for Me
I prefer tea. Hot green tea to be exact. I love it. I drink it all day and throughout the year. Green tea is warm and comforting on cold, wintry days, like today. It is just as lovely and relaxing on a hot summer night.
Most of my children prefer a nice hot cup of cocoa. Cocoa is the main drink all winter long.
This recipe may not be frugal. A lot of my powdered milk is given to me for FREE. I do buy some powdered milk from cheaper stores, like Aldi and Save-a-Lot too. I always try to keep my pantry stocked up with dry milk.
How to Make Homemade Hot Cocoa for a Crowd
One two-pound box of powdered milk
One 16 ounce container of creamer
One 2 pound bag of confectioners sugar
One quart of granulated sugar
A few shakes of salt – I prefer to use pink Himalayan salt
Add in enough cocoa powder to desired chocolate taste.
I used to add in two cans of premade hot cocoa mix from the store. One day, I realized that adding in my own cocoa powder was a lot less expensive.
This is the most creamy delicious cocoa you have ever tasted! This mixture stores really well. I just pour it into canning jars and keep it right on my pantry shelves.
Are you are making hot cocoa for a crowd? What’s your go-to beverage?

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awesome! I forget this is how momma made cocoa for our big crew. And I forget how much cocoa to add to it?? Maybe 1/2 can of cocoa. tell me what I should start with please. thank you.