(I do participate in affiliations on this blog. I am an affiliate with many companies, which in simple terms means I advertise for companies, and they compensate me via products, services, or monetary means. You can read my entire disclosure policy over here.)

How I Got a Free Crisco Item Coupon
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How I Got a Free Crisco Item Coupon
If you have been following me for a while, then you have probably already guessed how I got a free Crisco item coupon.
If you guessed that I simply asked for it, then you are right!
I emailed the Crisco company and just asked them if they could send me some coupons.
It is really that simple.
You can do it too!

I Found the Cheapest Product
The Crisco coupon specified that I could get a free item up to $7.50.
Up to $7.50 are the keywords on this coupon.
This does not mean I will automatically get $7.50 off any Crisco product.
It also said, One Crisco Any Variety.
Wording is very important in the Coupon World.
One Crisco Any Variety is simple enough. It means exactly what it implies. I am able to buy ANY ONE Crisco item.
The Up to $7.50 means:
If I buy a Crisco item under $7.50, the actual price of the product will be deducted making the item totally free.
If I were to choose a $4.99 Crisco item, then the coupon would only take off $4.99.
If I buy a Crisco item for $7.50, then the coupon will take off the entire $7.50 making the item totally free.
I could also buy a Crisco item that cost MORE THAN $7.50.
If the Crisco item were to cost $10.50, then the coupon would take off $7.50. I would pay just $3.00 for the $10.50 item!
My local grocery store had Crisco items priced from under that $7.50 price mark all the way up past $12.00 per item.
A quick search on Walmart’s website showed a can of Crisco marked at $7.68.
My coupon would take off the $7.50 leaving me to pay just 18 cents!
Your Turn!
You never know what a company is going to say when you ask them for coupons.
Some say, YES!
Some say, NO!
Some say, YES, but not right now.
The key is to not get discouraged and to try, try again.
Go to the company of your choice and find the Contact Page.
Send the company a message.
You may also choose to send them an email, write them a letter, or give them a call.
Companies love to get feedback from their customers.
I keep my emails basic.
Hi, I am the mother of a mega family, which includes 12 children, and we love your products! Could you send us some coupons? Thank you for your time.
The good news is you don’t need to have 12 children for this to work!
My sister has 2 children, and it works for her. Sometimes she just simply says, Could you send me some coupons?
Go HERE to email the Crisco company and ask them if they could send you some coupons for their products.
Where Do I Find Coupons to Save Money Now
Go HERE for more ways I get coupons to help me save money.

I am an affiliate
I hope you love the products I recommend! Just so you know, I may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. Thank you if you use our links, I really appreciate it!