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How to Build a Useful Stockpile Part 2
One of the best ways to build a useful stockpile is by simple following your local stores’ sales.
Buy what is on sale.
Did you know that you can save between 40 to 50% on your grocery bill just by buying what is on sale every week?

One of the big objections I hear when I suggest buying what’s on sale is,
But, I can’t get everything I need on sale that week!
This is very true at the beginning of building a stockpile, but it gets better every week.
The key is to buy as much as possible while it is on sale.
Take your sale items home, then actual use them in your meal planning.
Let’s say you want steak for supper, but chicken is on sale.
Buy the chicken and cook chicken it for supper.
If chicken is on sale this week, buy as much on sale chicken as you can, then freeze or can it.
The following week you want chicken for supper, but beef is on sale.
Here’s the fun part.
Buy a bunch of on sale beef, then go home, put it in the freezer or can it up, then pull out chicken and eat what you want that week.
The next week, pork is on sale.
Again, buy as much on sale pork as you can, then take it home and put it away.
Now, you have three different meats to choose from when cooking your meals, and ALL of them were on sale.
Your stockpile is growing, and you no longer are stuck eating what’s on sale that week.
You have given yourself affordable options.
Let Me Know
The first week is the hardest, but you can do it!
Leave a comment and let me know how your stockpile is coming along.

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