How to Choose the Best Homeschool Curriculum

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How to Choose the Best Homeschool Curriculum

You have decided to take the plunge and start homeschooling.

Now you are wondering how to choose the best homeschool curriculum.

So, what is the best homeschool curriculum?

Simply put, the best curriculum is the one you will use with your family.

That may sound oversimplified, but it is the truth.

I have been homeschooling since 1993, and it took me many years to finally realize the truth of this statement.

I have no idea how many math and spelling programs I purchased over the years.

Each new curriculum seemed to be the perfect answer to our problems.

The truth is, every single curriculum would have worked if I would have stuck to it.

Yes, it is also true that each child has their own learning style, but most math and spelling programs can be tweaked to fit your homeschool.

I cringe at the thought of how much money I spent on curricula I never really used.

Schoolhouse Teachers

If you have heard me speak about homeschooling, then you have most likely heard about my love of Schoolhouse Teachers.

Schoolhouse Teachers solved a couple of my homeschooling problems.

#1 – I only had to pay one price for my entire family.

This is a huge deal if you have more than one child, and I had twelve!

#2 – If I really thought a certain program wasn’t working for my children, I just switched it without having to pay more money to do so.

Schoolhouse Teachers has a lot of different curriculum and learning styles to choose from.

Every course is included in the initial price, so if you want to switch up which courses to teach, you just switch. 

There’s no hidden costs.

How to Choose the Perfect Curriculum

It might be difficult finding the perfect curriculum for each one of you children, but Schoolhouse Teachers can make it affordable while you figure it all out.

Are you new to homeschooling? Are you an experienced homeschooler? No matter where you fit in that spectrum, you will want to check out Schoolhouse Teachers. This is my family’s main online school curriculum.

My family has been utilizing all of the awesome goodness of Schoolhouse Teachers Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership in our homeschool for many years now. I am a huge fan of this one-size-fits-all program!

We have been homeschooling since 1993. I wish there would have been such a thorough curriculum, like  Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership back then!

The creators and founders of  The Old Schoolhouse magazine are the same people who created Schoolhouse Teachers.

***Read The Old Schoolhouse Magazine for free over here.

Paul and Gena Suarez have been household names in the homeschooling community for decades.

They not only continually create amazing and relevant content for homeschooling families today, but they were also right there in the trenches with us.

They have homeschooled all of their children.

Schoolhouse Teachers was launched back in 2012. They now have well over 7,000 members.

It’s no wonder so many homeschooling families are signing up for this awesome online program.

They make homeschooling so much easier than when my family started over 30 years ago.

My hands still hurt thinking about all of the curriculum and lesson plans I had to create and write out myself back then!

I am down to only one student this year, but I still absolutely love everything Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership has to offer.

Schoolhouse Teachers has over 400 online courses, but you can read about the top 10 over here.

How to Start Homeschooling in the State of New York in 2024

The first step to homeschooling is to find out your state’s exact laws.

You may be shocked when you see how extremely different each state’s homeschooling laws are!

For example, you don’t need to keep elaborate records or even notify anyone if you want to homeschool your children in the state of Alaska.

On the other hand, you will need to keep and mail in extensive records throughout the year if you want to homeschool in New York.

You can read more on How to Start Homeschooling in the State of New York in 2024 over here.



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Candy had been a good shopper for years. With 12 children, it didn’t take her long to realize that if she wasn’t a smart shopper, she wouldn’t make it very far! She wanted to continue to be a stay-at-home mother, but she wondered if this was going to be possible. Then, she found out about coupons. Coupons have literally changed her life!

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