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How to Get Healthy Food with Strategic Shopping at Price Chopper this Week
My non-couponing friends are always telling me that they don’t bother using coupons because there are no coupons available for real food and they don’t want to just feed their family junk.
I understand.

Honestly, there are a lot of junk food coupons.
I got a deal on Oreos and Doritos just this week.
But, please hear me, friends, I also used coupons to buy butter, eggs, and cucumbers this week!
There are coupons for milk, yogurt, meat, produce, and bread.
Most of these coupons are found right in the store on items they are trying to get rid of quickly.
I always take advantage of these deals.
I use coupons to buy tea, coffee, and juice.
If I am unable to find coupons on things my family uses, I simply ask the companies if they could mail some to me.
I am going to be writing up an article explaining the different ways I get real food coupons and coupons on items my family actually uses on a weekly basis.

Here is what I got at Price Chopper this week.
2 boxes of Cocoa Puffs – The regular price was $3.99. They were on sale for $2.50. I had store coupons and manufacturer coupons from the newspaper. I paid $0.99 per box.
I chose boxes that had more manufacturer coupons printed on the back of the box.
2 family size packages of Oreos. I have been watching for a deal on Oreos all winter! They just weren’t coming down in price!
This week, however, they are on sale 2/$6.00. I used a digital coupon for $3.00 off. I also got a coupon in the mail that gave me an additional $0.50 off.
I paid $1.25 each!
My favorite hot green tea is actually the Price Chopper brand. They have their tea bags on sale this week 2/$5.00. I had a $0.50 off coupon that I had received in the mail.
Annie’s organic macaroni and cheese is on a 10 for $10.00 deal this week. You don’t actually have to buy ten to get the deal.
I had a printable manufacturer coupon for $0.50 off from a purchase of two boxes.
I picked up two boxes and the coupon doubled to $1.00 off making them $0.50 each.
I got a 2 bottle of Pics brand ginger ale and one bottle of the raspberry ginger ale. These are on sale for $0.88 per 2 liter bottle. I didn’t have a coupon, but I liked the sale price.
I got two bags of Doritos at $1.99 each. No coupon necessary, but you must buy two in order to get the deal.
I grabbed a bag of the Pics brand jumbo marshmallows for $0.88.
I got four of the Stouffer’s lasagnas at $2.00 each. I had a store coupon that I received in the mail, plus a Catalina coupon that I had received on a previous shopping trip.
I also got four packages of Lean Cuisine pizzas. They were on sale for $2.00 each and I had store coupons that I received in the mail.
One of my sons wanted to try shrimp and I just happened to have a coupon, so I got a bag for him.
Couponing makes you the cool mom!
One 18 pack of Pics brand eggs was only $0.99 with a store coupon.
I got one-pound of Pics butter. I stacked a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon together making it only $1.29!
I picked up one cucumber. It was $0.69, then I got an additional $0.30 off with a store coupon that I received in the mail.
The pictures shows the cucumber priced at $0.79, but it rang up at $0.69.
Sarah’s treat this week was a fresh coconut priced at $1.99.
This week’s total before sales and coupons came to $108.15.
After sales and coupons I only paid $44.11.

Where Do I Get These Coupons
You can get the store coupons from the store’s ad in the Sunday paper.
Some of our local free papers also carry the Price Chopper sales ad with these coupons in it.
You will not find these higher valued coupons in any of the ads found inside of Price Chopper.
You can print them out from the Price Chopper website.
Make sure you read the dates carefully on their website coupons because they tend to add in more than one week’s coupons.
You can also just clip the coupon in your Price Chopper digital coupons.
You can not use both a digital store coupon and a printable store coupon on the same item.
Newspaper Coupons
I got the majority of my manufacturer coupons right out of the Sunday newspaper.
The Price Chopper ad also comes in the newspaper and this is where they offer their higher valued store coupons.
You can read the predicted Sunday newspaper coupon insert schedule over here.
Price Chopper
Make sure you always use your Price Chopper AdvantEdge Rewards card in order to get the sale prices. You will also earn points on every purchase that can be applied on your next grocery order, or used to get a discount on gasoline.
My shopping history is monitored by the AdvantEdge program, and every month they mail me store coupons on items on typically buy, like produce, tea, and bread, for example.
Finally, I always scan my AdvantEdge Rewards at the iSave machine to get additional coupons.
Many of these coupons are only good for a few days. Some of them don’t expire for months.
Some of these coupons are store coupons. Some of them are manufacturer coupons and can be used at any store.
You can scan your store card once per day.
It is a great way to start building up your stash of coupons.

On the Products
You can find many real food coupons right on the products.
Always check the meat, dairy, and bakery sections for store coupons stuck on the items.
Many things will have coupons How to Get Healthy Food with Strategic Shopping at Price Chopper this Week
Don’t be fooled into thinking you can’t get real, healthy food on a budget.
There are many ways to eat well while keeping your wallet healthy too!
Leave a comment and let me know what you are buying at Price Chopper this week.

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