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How to Shop in the Month of November 2022
November is a great month to shop. The holidays are upon us and deals are everywhere.
Stay focused.
There will be so many deals from now until the end of the year that we can easily get carried away.
Here are a few things that you should shop for in November.
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Halloween Clearance
Halloween is over, but the deals are just beginning.
The best prices are always after a holiday.
Stock up on all of the candy deals this month.
Candy always makes great Christmas gifts.
You can use it in Christmas baking.
Stash some in the freezer for treats throughout the winter.
Watch for candy prices to go as low as 90% off. That’s ten cents for a dollar item and one dollar for a ten dollar item.
Costumes will also be marked down to rock-bottom prices.
If your family celebrates Halloween, then think about buying costumes for next year.
Costumes make great Christmas gifts too.
I used to make dress-up trunks for my children.
Just take a tote and fill it up with all kinds of costumes. The kids will have a blast!
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My family enjoys eating turkey all year long.
I enjoy the price of turkey this time of year.
It is hard to find any meat cheaper than a Thanksgiving turkey.
I always make sure my freezer has plenty of room for a good stash of turkeys.
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Fresh Cranberries
Fresh cranberries can only be found in the fall.
The kids have always liked to string popcorn and fresh cranberries for our Christmas tree.
I throw a couple of bags into the freezer in November, then pull them out for stringing in December.
I also put bags of cranberries into the freezer so I will have them on hand to make fresh cranberry sauce over the winter.
You can even put some onto the dehydrator to make your own Craisins.
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Baking Supplies
We don’t see a lot of good baking sales throughout the year other than in November.
We usually see a small baking supplies sale around Easter, but nothing like the huge sales in November.
Stock up on flour, sugar, baking chips, oils, and butter this month.
Store your baking supplies properly and they will last quite a while.
Black Friday
Black Friday was started as a way to bring stores out of the debt they had been in all year.
The color red is associated with debt. The color black means the business is out of debt, and making a profit.
The Friday after America’s Thanksgiving Day was chosen as a deeply discounted sale day to help businesses get out of the red and into the black.
Hence, the name, Black Friday.
Most stores don’t just dedicate the Friday after Thanksgiving to hold their Black Friday sales anymore.
Even still, the name has stuck, so watch throughout the month of November to get all of those Black Friday deals!
Small Business Saturday
Everyone says they love to support small businesses, but if you aren’t actually shopping at them, then you are not supporting them.
Pick out a few small businesses in your area this month and show them your support.
Cyber Monday
Cyber Monday is similar to Black Friday, but you get to do it all from the comfort of your own home.
How to Shop in the Month of November 2022
Strategic Shoppers know what to buy and when to buy it.
What is on your November shopping list?
Leave a comment letting me know about your November shopping plans.
Christmas with Strategic Shopping – the Twelve Months of Christmas
Quit spending so much money on Christmas!
Christmas with Strategic Shopping – the Twelve Months of Christmas is a month-by-month guide to Christmas shopping.
This little e-book tells you what you should be buying each month in order to get the things on your shopping list at rock-bottom prices.
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