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It’s the Final Days to Get Ready for Winter
11 Ways to Stay Warm This Winter
If you have been around me any length of time, then you know I believe we only have two seasons: winter and get ready for winter!
We are in the final days of Get Ready for Winter season, so I thought I would share some wintertime items.
Which ones do you use in your home?
Which ones do you plan on using?
Mr. Heater Buddy
I love My Buddy heater! I love it so much that it is on my list to buy another one.
This little heater throws off some powerful heat.
I have used it in a camper for only a couple of minutes to heat the entire place up.
I have also used it in my home when our power was out for a few weeks.
I closed off my living room and kept everyone warm with this little powerhouse.
Two of my favorite features of the Mr. Heater Buddy:
- It shuts off automatically if tipped over.
- It is the only propane heater safe to use inside without being vented.
This heater has had more usage than I can count.
Most of my adult children have borrowed it at one time or another.
It just keeps on going.
Here are a few additional things you will want/need with your Mr. Heater Buddy.
An Electric Blanket
Turn down the thermostat and curl up in a nice electric blanket this winter.
I loved the one I used to have so much that I plan on getting another one.
An electric blanket brings a lot of comfort to my aching fibromyalgia body.
Heating Pad
I use my heating pad all year long to help with aches and pains, but I especially love it in the colder months.
I use it to warm up my bed before bedtime, and I often pull it into bed with me at night if I start to feel chilly.
I like to keep my thermostat turned down as much as possible and on those rare nights that I am not up with insomnia, the wood fire does tend to go out. LOL
Dress for the season.
Don’t underestimate dressing in layers.
I love my thermals.
I wear many layers during the cold months.
If you see me this time of year, then you will most likely see me wearing some kind of sweater.
I can’t stress layers enough!
Warm Socks
Warm feet = a warm body.
Keep your feet warm with good, quality socks this season.
I love wood heat. I don’t think any other heat can warm your bones as well as wood heat.
I have two woodstoves.
One is a regular woodstove in my living room and the other is an old-fashioned cookstove in my dining room.
These are excellent resources to have during the hard days of winter in the North Country.
Fans are a huge blessing for keeping the heat moving throughout your home during the cold seasons.
I have heat-activated fans sitting on top of my woodstoves. These are invaluable when the power is out.
I also use ceiling fans throughout the house to help circulate the heat.
I also use a regular box fan behind my woodstoves to push the heat.
Seal Up Your Windows
If you don’t have the best windows, then you may want to consider sealing them for the cold season.
My mother-in-law used to put plastic over all of her windows for the winter.
It was back in the day when the window plastic wasn’t clear, so you weren’t able to see out your windows for many months.
I happened to find some rolls of clear vinyl marked down at a store that was going out of business.
She was able to seal up her windows, enjoy looking out her windows all winter, and reuse the vinyl for years.
Heavy Curtains
Don’t forget to use heavy curtains too.
Close Off Rooms
Closing off rooms can really help to keep you warm during the winter months.
Of course, you will want to seal off rooms that you don’t normally use, as long as it won’t affect your water pipes.
But, I also like to close off rooms throughout the day.
I close off my living room while I am starting my woodstove in the mornings.
Once we are all nice and toasty in the living room, I open up the dividers and go on with the day.
Back in the day, I used to just hang up old blankets, but today I love my bamboo blinds.
Do you close off any rooms in the wintertime?

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