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Our March Meal Plan, of course, includes some celebrations. With a family our size there’s always so sort of celebration going on! I am sorry for getting this plan up a week late. We have already had some great dinners.
My daughter, Olivia, showed up with pizza for supper one night! Pizzeria pizza can be quite costly for a mega family, so we don’t get it often. Livy showed up with a large sheet of my absolute favorite pizza, which is Josie’s Pizzeria! Thanks, Liv!
Most of our suppers tend to be homemade, but I did get some quick meal deals at our local grocery store this week. When the majority of your food is homemade, then store-bought is considered a treat!
Coupon Deals
The kids were excited to have chicken patties for dinner already this month. On-Cor chicken patties are on sale at Price Chopper this week at 4/$10.00. I just so happened to have emailed On-Cor last week asking them for coupons. They sent me some really nice coupons! I was able to get four packages for a grand total of only $6.50! (Thank you, On-Cor!)
Price Chopper also had frozen cheesy ravioli on sale. It normally runs $2.99 per bag, but it was on an awesome BOG2 sale! (Buy one get two free!) I have a large family, so I picked up a couple of cans of regular Ravioli from the Dollar Tree and mixed it together with one bag of frozen cheesy Ravioli for a meal. This super cheap meal. It only cost $3.00!
Turkeys from Thanksgiving Shopping Deals
I still had a turkey in the freezer from my Thanksgiving shopping deals, so we had turkey dinner this month. Sophia is a senior, and I always require my children to cook a Thanksgiving Day type meal before graduating. She made turkey, homemade dressing, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. It was delicious and lasted for quite a few meals. I personally enjoyed a turkey sandwich the next morning for breakfast! The kids ate sandwiches for lunch, and we had left-overs for supper the following day. We actually ate left-overs the next day too! Since I wasn’t feeling too well, I didn’t turn the bones into turkey broth soup, but I did manage to throw it into the freezer so that I can at a later date.
Other Things on the March Meal Plan
Meat balls and french fries
Spaghetti, Goulash, Lasagna, and Chili
Boiled dinner of ham, potatoes, carrots, and cabbage
Pizza every Friday night
Tacos on Tuesdays
Soup and sandwiches
Breakfast for supper twice this month
Homemade mac
Home grown pork chops, potatoes, and green beans
Fried chicken a couple of times (Thank you, Save-a-Lot for super cheap chicken!)
There will be plenty of left-overs worked into the menu also.
This is my rough cut March menu plan. It gives me plenty of ideas to choose from for the month. What kind of meals are you planning this month?

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