Disclosure: I received this product free through the Homeschool Review Crew
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Math Essentials
a Homeschool Crew Review
Thank you, Math Essentials, and the Homeschool Review Crew for giving the Foote Family Homeschool the opportunity to do a review on Mastering Essential Math Skills Book 2 book.
Remembering the Essentials
My oldest son is 37 years old, has a family of his own, and just graduated with a bachelor’s degree in nursing.
But, back in his teen years, he once told me that some of his friends who were taking higher math had forgotten how to do simple math, like adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.
They could have seriously used Math Essentials Mastering Essential Math Skills Book 2 book!
Using Math Essentials for Review
When our family was asked to do a review on the Math Essentials Mastering Essential Math Skills Book 2 book, we decided to have Christina use it as a review workbook.
It literally took her just a few minutes each day to complete a single workbook page.
It was so quick and easy that she didn’t even mind working through it on her days off.
Remedial Math or an Elementary Math Book
Although we chose to use Math Essentials as a review workbook, it could be used as a remedial math program.
It could also be used as a full elementary math program.
Math Essentials Covers the Basics
Here is a list of the basic math concepts covered in Math Essentials Mastering Essential Math Skills Book 2 book:
- Subtraction
- Multiplying
- Division
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Percents
- Geometry
- Integers
- Charts and Graphs
- Word Problems
- Important Symbols
- Squares and Square Roots
- Prime Numbers
Step One
Step One in Math Essentials Mastering Essential Math Skills Book 2 book:
Each lesson has four review questions at the top of the page.
The students start by completing these four questions.
This usually only takes two to three minutes.
Step Two
Step Two in Math Essentials Mastering Essential Math Skills Book 2 book:
Two-speed drills
One on addition and one on multiplication
Step Three
Step Three in Math Essentials Mastering Essential Math Skills Book 2 book:
Work through the review problems with your student.
Step Four
In step four, the parent/teacher explains the new concept in his or her own way.
Make sure to cover approprate concepts, new vocabulary words, and skills needed.
All of this should only take a few minutes.
Step Five
Step five is where the instructor and the student go over the Helpful Hints section together.
Here are a few examples of Helpful Hints offered in this book:
When writing large numbers, place commas every three numerals, starting from the right.
Remainders in division must be less than the divisor.
Step Six
In step six, have the instructor and student work through the two sample questions together.
Step Seven
Step Seven, allow the student to complete the rest of the questions and the word problems on their own.
Step Eight
Finally, step eight, the instructor collects the book and corrects the students work.
Or Do It Your Way
Of course, these are just the recommended steps set up by the writers of Math Essentials.
As the parent/teacher of the student using this book, you know what order will work best.
Feel free to do things your own way.
Accompanying Videos
Math Essentials provides short, but helpful online videos to help your student understand each concept being taught.
Get Three Months for Free
Math Essentials has been generous enough to offer this coupon code to my readers for a free three-month trial for their video lessons!
Thank you, Math Essentials!
Simply go to math and algebra dot com, then use the coupon code:
Enjoy your free 3-month trial!
Foote Family Homeschool
I really like the Math Essentials workbook and accompanying online videos.
It made me happy to see Christina easily work through these essential math problems.
I give Math Essentials a big thumb’s up!
Read More Homeschool Crew Reviews
Read more Homeschool Crew Reviews on Math Essentials Mastering Essential Math Skills Book 2 Book over here.

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