(I do participate in affiliations on this blog. I am an affiliate with many companies, which in simple terms means I advertise for companies, and they compensate me via products, services, or monetary means. I did receive a free copy of Shelby Law Ruttan’s One-Pot Paleo Cookbook, but I was in no way obligated to give a positive review. You can read my entire disclosure policy over here.)

Save Money on the Paleo Diet and Shelby Law Ruttan’s One-Pot Paleo Cookbook
A lot of people are working on improving their health and living an overall healthier lifestyle, especially when it comes to what they eat.
Having a healthier lifestyle is a great idea. Learning how to implement it can be a challenge though.
Two of the biggest challenges are what to eat and how to save on those specific foods at the grocery store.
How to Save on Meat While on the Paleo Diet
How to save on meat is one of the most common questions I get asked. Meat can really make your budget cry out for mercy. My biggest tip is to watch for sales, then stock up. Don’t underestimate shopping the sales. Sale prices can save you 40% or more all by itself. Make sure you buy as much as you can at those sale prices.
Save-a-Lot sells ten-pound bags of frozen chicken. They mark it down periodically for 49 and even 39 cents per pound. I buy 120 pounds worth of chicken and pay between $50.00 to $60.00! 120 pounds may sound like a lot, but we use a lot of chicken and I don’t want to pay regular price. I try and buy enough to get me through until it goes back on sale.
I have heard complaints that some people just won’t buy Save-a-Lot brand chicken. Guess what? I don’t pull my bags off the shelf since I purchase it in bulk. The meat man brings it out to me still sealed up in the boxes the store received them in. The boxes have TYSON written all over them. The Save-a-Lot chicken is actually Tyson chicken.
I apply this same technique to other types of meat. Whatever is on sale is what I stock up on. After doing this for a little while, my freezer and pantry are both stocked and I am able to shop my pantry for a variety of choices rather than just eating what’s on sale. I fill up the freezer, plus home can meat for the pantry.
Shop the Perimeter of Your Grocery Store
I’m sure that you have heard shopping the perimeter of your grocery store is good for your health. That’s where all of the real food can be found. Things like, produce, meat, and dairy items are typically found on these outside shelves, while quick, highly-processed foods are found in the middle aisles. Shopping the perimeter of the store isn’t only good for your health, it’s good for your wallet too!
Perishable foods don’t last long. That’s why we call them perishable! I use this to my advantage. The stores don’t want to throw away food all of the time. That really cuts into their profits! Instead, they tend to mark down produce, meat, and dairy BEFORE it goes bad. The stores I shop at
Coupons and Rebates for Real Food
Believe it or not, there are coupons available for perishable items. I use coupons for things
I also like to use digital rebate apps in order to earn cash back after I shop. Some of my favorite apps include Ibotta, Check-out 51, Fetch Rewards, and Saving Star.

Shop Different Stores
Many people don’t want to take the time to shop around. They say it just isn’t worth it, but it really is! I find so many great sales and coupon deals at my local Price Chopper, but I absolutely love the everyday prices found at stores like Save-a-Lot and Aldi. Aldi has a nice little selection of organic food, gluten-free, dye-free, chemical-free items at shockingly low prices. It is hard to beat their everyday prices on dairy, produce, and meat. If I had to choose only one store to shop, it would definitely be Aldi!
Saving Money While on the Paleo Diet
You really can save money while on the Paleo diet, or any other diet for that matter. Stock up during sales. Shop the perimeter of your grocery stores. Use coupons and digital rebate apps for extra savings. Shop around. Check out the amazing prices at cheaper stores, like Aldi. There’s a lot of ways to save, so be sure and keep your wallet healthy
The One-Pot PALEO Cookbook by Shelby Law Ruttan
One of the easiest ways to both save money and serve yummy meals that your family will actually eat, is to simply pick up a copy of my friend, Shelby’s book, The One-Pot Paleo Cookbook.
Are you looking for some amazing meals that follow the Paleo diet plan? Need something new to feed your family? Tired of trying to figure it all out on your own?
This 177 page book is loaded down with over one hundred delicious recipes to help keep you on track.
These meals are not some far out there, weird foods either.
Shelby has made sure that the meals are family-friendly.
Who wouldn’t love her lemon blueberry pancakes!?!
Breakfast meals also included muffins, breakfast bars, grain-free granola, chocolate pudding, old-fashioned apple dutch baby, plus a myriad of egg recipes.
Main Meals
Recipes with seafood, shellfish, beef, pork, chicken, soups, stews, and more are included in this amazing cookbook.
Shelby really likes to focus on one-pot meals to make both cooking and clean up super easy and convenient!
Foote Family’s Review
The Foote family definitely gives Shelby Law Ruttan’s One-Pot Paleo Cookbook a big thumbs up!
Get Your Copy!
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