Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. You can read my entire disclosure policy over here.

The Action Bible Anytime Devotions – a TOS Crew Review
My family was happy to receive a copy of David C Cook‘s book, The Action Bible Anytime Devotions.
Sarah, age 12, was especially excited to rip open the package the mailman delivered.
Her eyes widened as she pulled out the beautifully colored book with extremely high-quality illustrations throughout it.
It was definitely the full-color pages and illustrations that first grabbed our attention and made us love this book, but as we dove deep into its lessons, we found it reached out and touched our everyday lives.
The Action Bible Anytime Devotions

Maybe you have heard of The Action Bible. David C Cook created The Action Bible Anytime Devotions from his well-loved book, The Action Bible.
I really like how thin this book is. It can easily slip into my purse or bag in order to be read while waiting at appointments or even in the car.
(Remember when we used to read books instead of just pulling out our phones to scroll through Facebook, or to play games?!?!)

This fits David C Cook‘s motto: 90 Ways to Help Kids Connect with God Anytime, Anywhere.
This devotional is written well enough to be an encouragement to both kids and adults. The author suggests using this book with ages 8 – 12, but I am 50 and found it to be an excellent resource for both my family and myself!
There are a total of 90 devotionals. Two pages complete one full lesson.
Each lesson starts off with a topic. Topics include things, like hope, love, trust, courage, kindness, faith, service, and more.
A Bible scripture is shared to coincide with the topic.
Then, a little story is shared about a child, much like your own children, telling a challenge they are facing.
Next, a Bible story is shared to compare what the child is going through with what a person in the Bible already went through.
Steps of action are given to help the person reading the devotional overcome their own challenges in this area.
The author ends by giving some Bible chapters and verses to read in order to learn more on the topic covered.
How Did My Family Use This Devotional

My family enjoyed gathering in our living room each night to use The Action Bible Anytime Devotions.
We started each lesson out with family prayer, then Mom read the lesson aloud.
Although the actually devotional reading only took a couple of minutes, the lessons were in-depth enough to always send us into many discussions on each topic.
Since it is a devotional and not a storybook, we didn’t start on the first lesson.
We decided to use the Table of Contents to find all of the lessons on HOPE. We skipped around in order to stay on topic.
After completing HOPE, we moved on to the next topic.
You can, however, simply follow the lessons in order. Do whatever works for your family.
The Foote Family’s Recommendation
We all agree that The Action Bible Anytime Devotions is a great resource to add to both your homeschool and your family’s personal Bible studies and read-alouds.
Here’s how you can get your own copies of
You can pick up a copy of David C Cook‘s book, The Action Bible Anytime Devotions OVER HERE.
Read More TOS Crew Reviews
You can learn a lot more about The Action Bible Anytime Devotions by checking out these TOS Crew reviews over here.

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