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What to Buy in November 2024
I love being a Strategic Shopper. Basically, I can get ‘Black Friday’ type deals any time of the year by knowing when to shop.
Timing truly is everything.
Strategic Shoppers know there’s a time to buy everything.
Halloween Candy & Costumes
My kids grew up loving November 1st because that always marked the beginning of candy sales.
Halloween deals are always best after the holiday.
Halloween candy starts going on clearance the day after Halloween.
Typically, we will see 50% off both candy and costumes right after Halloween.
Both of these make great Christmas gifts!
Of course, I prefer to wait for the 90% off!
Summer Clothing and Swimwear
Summer clothing may not be in your thoughts, but now is the time to find some great deals.
There probably aren’t many left in the stores, but the ones that are will be marked down to rock-bottom prices.
Thanksgiving Dinner Turkeys
I love to fill my freezer to the brim with Thanksgiving turkeys every November.
I try to buy enough turkeys in order to cook one every month of the year.
After all, we don’t see meat marked down as low as Thanksgiving Day turkeys get marked down!
I have seen them as low as $0.29 per pound in the past.
Is there any other time of year that you can buy meat at such a low price?
Turkey makes a great meal any time of year, so why wait for a holiday to serve it?
Here’s hoping for great turkey deals this month.
This month also brings rock-bottom prices on your typical Thanksgiving dinner groceries, like canned and fresh pumpkin, canned and fresh cranberries, green bean casserole ingredients, stuffing mixes, gravy mixes, and so on.
Cranberries – My Favorite November Produce
Fresh cranberries can only be found on the shelves in the fall.
Did you know that you can freeze fresh cranberries?
I freeze some to use as Christmas decorations.
Does your family string popcorn and cranberries for your Christmas tree?
I also like to use fresh cranberries to make the yummiest cranberry sauce and cranberry juice.
I keep the cranberries in my juice. When I open the jars to drink the juice, I throw the cranberries onto my dehydrator and make homemade Craisins.
Baking Supplies
This is absolutely my favorite deal of the year.
Baking supplies will be on sale practically everywhere you look.
November is the time to stock up the pantry with all of these baking supplies.
Best of all, we will also see rock-bottom prices on butter.
I plan on filling my freezer up with these butter deals.
Watch for sales on flour, sugar, baking chips, and even eggs this month.
Cookware Sets/Bakeware/Cutlery
Everyone is beginning their holiday baking this in November.
The stores all know this, so they will be marking down all kinds of cookware sets, bakeware, and even cutlery to go with the baking sales.
Have you seen the Early Black Friday Pampered Chef sales yet?
Small Appliances – mixers, coffee makers, etc.
As November comes around, watch for all kinds of deals on those small appliances too.
The stores know that we are likely to want some new small appliances just in time for the holiday season.
Holidays bring cooking, baking, and a lot of gatherings.
Everyone needs some kind of new appliance, and the stores know this.
Take advantage of the mark-downs.
Don’t forget to add to your gift closet too.
Small appliances make great Christmas presents, shower gifts, and work great for the newly graduated students in your life.
Major Appliances
November is a great time to buy new major appliances too.
The new models have been rolling in since September and the stores are anxious to get rid of the older models.
November is a great time to buy that new refrigerator, stove, or washing machine you have been putting off purchasing.
It used to be the best television deals would only show up on Black Friday every year.
Now, Black Friday deals run all throughout November.
November is still one of the best times of year to score a great price on a television.
Laptops and Computers
Do you need a new laptop or computer?
Is a new device on your holiday shopping list?
Watch for some amazing deals on both laptops and desktop computers this month.
Most Americans already know if it is an electronic, then there will be some wild deals running in the month of November!
I am not sure if new electronics are on your list or not, but I bet they are on your kid’s holiday wish list.
Everyone is watching holiday movies this time of year.
November brings awesome movie sales.
Are movies on your holiday shopping list?
Tools definitely made it on my What to Buy in November 2024 list.
Harbor Freight is one of my favorite places to buy tools.
It’s probably because of their awesome coupons!
Wedding Supplies
Wedding supplies are still being marked down during the month of November.
Since the cold-weather months are not the most popular for weddings, the wedding supply shops are trying to drum up business by offering discounts.
Are you planning a wedding next year? Don’t wait! Take advantage of the deals now.
New Vehicle
New vehicles are rolling into the dealerships.
That means the dealerships are anxious to get the older models off the floor.
Now is the time to score a discount on older model vehicles.
New Year’s Flights
Are you planning a family vacation after the holidays?
November is the best time to get amazing deals on New Year’s flights.

Black Friday
Black Friday has become synonymous with America’s Thanksgiving, but they really have nothing to do with each other.
Actually, I have never been a big fan of Black Friday.
I think it is shameful to be thankful on one day, then clobbering someone over the head for an Elmo doll the next.
I know that many of my readers love Black Friday though.
Black Friday was started as a way to bring stores out of the debt they had been in all year.
The color red is associated with debt. The color black means the business is out of debt, and making a profit.
The Friday after America’s Thanksgiving Day was chosen as a deeply discounted sale day to help businesses get out of the red and into the black.
Hence, the name, Black Friday.
With all of that said, you don’t have to beat down the crowds to get the best deals anymore.
I personally get Black Friday-type deals all year long through Strategic Shopping!
Still, you will find some amazing deals during the Black Friday sales, both online and in-store, this November.
Most stores don’t just dedicate the Friday after Thanksgiving to hold their Black Friday sales anymore.
Even still, the name has stuck, so watch throughout the month of November to get all of those Black Friday deals!

Small Business Saturday
Unlike Black Friday, I absolutely love the idea of Small Business Saturday.
What a great way to really get out there and show support to your favorite small business.
Do you have a small business? Do you have a small business that you love to support?
Leave a comment with the link to a small business you own or love to support.

Cyber Monday
Cyber Monday is similar to Black Friday, but you get to do it all from the comfort of your own home.

What to Buy in November 2024
This is just a small list of all of the amazing deals you will be able to find in the month of November.
What is on your November shopping list?
Leave a comment letting my know about your November shopping plans.
Here’s My New Christmas Holiday Planner
I am so excited to finally have my Christmas Holiday Planner ready for you!
Buy Now
Christmas with Strategic Shopping – the Twelve Months of Christmas
Quit spending so much money on Christmas!
Christmas with Strategic Shopping – the Twelve Months of Christmas is a month-by-month guide to Christmas shopping.
This little e-book tells you what you should be buying each month in order to get the things on your shopping list at rock-bottom prices.
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