What to Buy in September

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What to Buy in September

With September comes a change of the seasons. It is time to say goodbye to summer and hello to fall. So, what do we buy in September?

A change of seasons always equals great, rock-bottom clearance prices. Stores are selling out everything summer.


Make sure you snatch up all of those great deals on shoes. I love to use flip flops as slippers all year long. This is the perfect time to buy swimmer’s shoes for next year.

But, don’t stop by just buying summertime shoes. Oddly enough, you can find all kinds of shoes on sale this time of year, including slippers, dress shoes, and even winter boots.

Yes, I have purchased many winter boots this time of year. Some stores are trying to get rid of last year’s fashion in order to make room for the new stock. This is good news for Strategic Shoppers!


I know that many of us are packing up our air conditioners and fans for the year, but this is the perfect time to pick up new ones at amazing prices.

Walmart has marked these fans down from $22.44 to only $5.00!

We burn wood to help heat our house. Our fans are used to help push the heat around in the wintertime. Even if we only used them in the summer, who would want to pay full price when you can snatch them up for only five bucks right now!?!

It seems like everything is on clearance right now. This is the perfect time to pick up that new patio furniture you have been eyeing all summer.

Outdoor pillows, swings, barbecue grills, and so much more are at their rock-bottom prices.


Grab all of the pool and sand toys that you can. I love to buy pails and shovels to fill up my gift closet. Yes, I know that they are meant for sand, but they are fun to use in other areas too.

I always gave them to my young children, and now grandchildren, as Christmas gifts. They work just as well in the snow as they do in the sand. These toys are also great to use as bath toys.


I am sure you don’t need to be told about the back-to-school deals that typically start the day after we celebrate the Fourth of July.

But, did you know if you wait it out a little while, then you could get even better deals?

When the back-to-school sales started, I grabbed boxes of crayons for 50 cents.

The other day, though, I went into Big Lot’s and paid under 12 cents per box!

I also grabbed cute little paint sets for a quarter each.

(Sign up for the Big Lots Big Rewards program to earn store coupons in order to save even more!)

I got a cartload of backpacks on sale for 49 cents each. Actually, I paid about ten cents apiece after I used my Walgreens rewards to pay for the majority of this order!

Can you guess what my grandkids will all be getting for their birthdays over the next year?

Yup, backpacks filled with all kinds of goodies!

Just think how inexpensive these gifts will be! Ten cent backpacks, twelve cent crayons, twenty-five cent paints, forty-nine cents for buckets filled with sand toys, and more.


I find all kinds of groceries on the clearance racks. That is one thing I love about small stores. They are too small to hold onto merchandise too long, so they clearance out perfectly good items. I always check the expiration dates, but usually they are still good for years.

I find all kinds of groceries, but of course, end of the season items are always great deals.

Don’t forget that you can use coupons on clearance items!


I know that many of you hate to hear the very word, but Christmas is coming.

How is your gift closet looking?

Candy at the Candy Foote Club

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Candy had been a good shopper for years. With 12 children, it didn’t take her long to realize that if she wasn’t a smart shopper, she wouldn’t make it very far! She wanted to continue to be a stay-at-home mother, but she wondered if this was going to be possible. Then, she found out about coupons. Coupons have literally changed her life!

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