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What to Buy in the Month of September 2021
Can you believe it is September already!?!
With September comes a change of the seasons. It is time to say goodbye to summer and hello to fall.
A change of seasons always equals great, rock-bottom clearance prices in practically every store. Stores are selling out everything summer and bringing in fall and winter stock.
Clearance racks are your best friend when it comes to shopping in the month of September.
Clothing and Shoes
Summer clothing and shoes are being marked down to their rock-bottom prices this month. That isn’t really shocking. We all know that the stores want to clear out summer stuff in order to make room for the new season, but did you know you can also find wintertime deals?
I like to scour my stores for winter boots, hats, gloves, etc.
If I find last year’s style, it will most likely be marked down.
The stores want to make room for this year’s style of clothing and shoes.
Fans and Air Conditioners
Do you need a new fan or air conditioner? Don’t wait until next year to get them.
Fans and air conditioners will be marked as low as 90% off this month.
Buy now at rock-bottom prices for next year.
Pool and Sand Toys
Summertime toys are being marked up to 90% off this month. Why pay $30.00 for a kiddie pool when you can pick up a bunch of them at only $3.00 each?!?
I love to stock up on summertime toys for next year.
Beach toys also make great bathtub toys for any time of year.
Watch for bubbles, kites, kids’ outdoor chairs, and more in September.
Fill up the gift closet, and buy at rock-bottom prices what you would normally pay full price for in the spring and summer seasons.
Camping Gear
The key to Strategic Shopping is not buying things when you need them, but stocking up on them when they hit their rock-bottom prices.
Now is the time to stock up on camping gear.
Tents, camping stoves, sleeping bags, and more will be marked down at unbelievable prices in September.
Head to your nearest store and check out all of the deals.
Leave a comment and let me know what you find!
Patio Furniture
I love outdoor furniture, but I definitely don’t like the price of outdoor furniture.
That is why I watch for deep discounts on outdoor furniture in the fall rather than the spring.
September is one of the best months to buy outdoor furniture for next spring and summer.
Don’t need a full set of outdoor furniture?
Maybe you just want to liven things up with new pillows?
They are being marked down in September too!
Barbecue Grills
My family loves to barbecue.
I have been known to cook everything out on my grill.
I have even baked pizza on the BBQ grill!
If you need a new barbecue grill, then make sure you check out the deals in September.
Lawn and Garden Care
Everything to do with your lawn and garden will be marked down this month.
Lawnmowers, weedeaters, weedeater string, rototillers, grass seed, fertilizers, and even large bags of Epsom Salts!
Now is the time to pick up all of your outdoor decor too.
If it can be used on your lawn and garden, then it will go on sale this month.
School Supplies
School supplies have been on sale since just after July 4th, but now the stores are tired of all of this stuff. They want to clear out their school supplies stock.
You can find things like 2-packs of glue sticks that you thought were a bargain at fifty cents, marked down to just a dime.
There are also a lot of school supplies coupons being offered right now that could make things free!
I love small stores. It seems the smaller the store, the less room they have, so they need to mark more things down in order to simply make room.
That is why I love to shop at stores like Dollar General and Family Dollar.
Watch for rock-bottom prices on things like popsicles, kool-aid, and other summertime food items.
September is also one of the best months to buy in-season produce. Make sure you are hitting up the Farmer’s Market and local roadside stands.
Eat fresh, can some of it, and dehydrate even more for this winter.

What to Buy in the Month of September 2021
Clearance racks are your best friend in September.
Don’t forget that you can use coupons on clearance items, so use them if you have them!

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