How to Preserve Cabbage for the Winter

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                                                                  How to Dehydrate Cabbage

How to Dehydrate Cabbage

I find that you are either a cabbage lover or you hate the stuff.

 I love cabbage.

Are you a cabbage lover?
                                                                   How to Dehydrate Cabbage

Preserving Cabbage on the Pantry Shelf

I think cabbage is a wonderful winter storage food.

It lasts a long time just sitting on a pantry shelf.

The outer leaves may wilt and turn brown, but you just peel those away and you have a perfectly good cabbage.

Preserving Cabbage Through Dehydration

I dehydrate a lot of cabbage for long-term storage.

It is a pretty easy process, and the cabbage lasts for years, if stored in an air-tight container.

Step One:

Find a good quality cabbage. The quality of the food you preserve will be the quality of the food you use down the road. Preserve it at its best.

Step Two:

I chop my cabbage into pieces. I don’t like to make them too thick, so they will be able to dehydrate easily.

Step Three:

Next, I cook them.

Some people prefer to just parboil the cabbage, then throw it onto the dehydrator, but I cook my all the way through.

I want to know I can just throw it into some water and it would be ready to eat.

Step Four:

I put drained cabbage onto my dehydrator.

I don’t worry about having a single layer of cabbage. I just load it on and throw it into my machine.

Step Five:

I check the cabbage and once it feels like paper with no moisture in it, I turn off the dehydrator, open it up, and let the cabbage cool down.

Step Six:

After the cabbage has cooled, I recheck it.

Any bigger pieces that need more time are put back on for a while.

Step Seven:

Once the cabbage is finished dehydrating and cooling, I package it up into air-tight containers, label it, and put it into storage.

Preserving Cabbage Through Fermentation

Head over Here and read my article, Fermenting Cabbage into Sauerkraut the Easy Way.

See how I fermented some cabbage for sauerkraut.

Preserving Cabbage By Freezing

Freezing cabbage is a simple way to preserve cabbage.

Simply parboil, or cook, the cabbage.

Drain and pat dry.

Put into freezer bags.

Remove as much air as possible.

Label and date.

Throw into the freezer.

Preserving Cabbage in the Cold

Back in the day, people stored their winter harvest in a root cellar.

Most people don’t have a root cellar today, but we do have refrigeration.

Store your cabbages in the refrigerator.

Keep them dry.

How to Preserve Cabbage for the Winter

I don’t just preserve cabbage in one way.

I prefer to use a variety of ways to store my foods.

Which way are you going to preserve your cabbage for this winter?

Let me know in the comments.



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