Disclosure: I received this product free through the Homeschool Review Crew
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Learn How to Teach Writing with Write with Excellence in Literature Handbook
Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers
Just the very thought of being fully responsible for your child’s education through homeschooling can be overwhelming.
Committing to teaching your older children how to write can be downright intimidating!
The good news is the Everyday Education Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers is here to help ensure that at least part of the three-R’s is getting covered with excellence.
I am a writer by trade, but I find it to still be a challenge to teach English class at times, especially when it comes to writing.
Why does English have to come with so many rules?
Why are all of these rules stated just to be told that all of these other parts of the English language go directly against those rules?
Why is the English language so hard!?!
This is why so many students and homeschooling mamas alike feel like they are just banging their head’s against the wall!
Who is Janice Campbell and Ian Johnston
Everyday Education’s Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers is a homeschool writing handbook written by someone who has been right there with us in the homeschool trenches.
To make things even better, Janice has worked side-by-side with Ian Johnston.
Ian is a retired college professor.
Janice gives most of the credit of this handbook to Ian.
She was given his permission to take two of his handbooks and combine them, along with her own editions, to create the Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers.
I love that.
This book comes out of both the homeschooling and public schooling arenas to create a handbook that will help your students throughout both high school and college.
The e-book
Honestly, I was shocked when I received a 420 page Digital PDF e-book version to review!
420 pages!!!
Does that even qualify to be called a e-version handbook?
The Table of Contents alone was 20+ pages!
I printed the entire book out simply because I find it a lot easier to read print to paper rather than on computer screens.
I do recommend that you just scroll through the e-book and print out only the pages necessary since it is such a huge book.
After all, it did take almost an entire new package of printer paper for me to print it out.
Janice has obviously covered all of the bases in this book!
I really appreciated Janice Campbell’s style of writing.
As I dove into it, I quickly realized this wasn’t your everyday, run of the mill boring text on writing.
I felt like I had just sat down for a nice cup of tea with a friend who was explaining the entire writing process to me.
The Classics
She not only explains the writing process, but she also walks through a big selection of classical literature, like Shakespeare, and Homer’s Odyssey.
I love the Classics, but maybe just the word Classics is an overwhelming thought to you.
Fear not!
This handbook might just win you over to the Classics.
Everyday Education’s Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers also covers all of the grammar aspects of writing.
Can we really over teach grammar?!?
Have you read Facebook lately?
Everyone could use a few lessons in there/their/they’re, to/too/two, now/know, and where exactly is that comma supposed to go anyway!?!
Whether your students have already gone through all of their grammar lessons or not, this handbook makes both a great first-time curriculum and an amazing refresher course.
Either way, you will definitely want to add Everyday Education’s Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers to supplement your homeschool’s curriculum plan.
This handbook will give you the confidence to teach your students how to write properly.
It show the proper mechanics, including style and usage, in writing.
The basics of sentence structure, creating proper paragraphs, writing essays, and even poetry.
Debate/Public Speaking
Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers includes a full section on exactly how to completely constructed a formal argument.
It shows you how to properly use inductive and deductive reasoning.
If your students are learning, or are going to be learning how to effectively argue and debate, then this section would be invaluable.
Foote Family Homeschool
I used Everyday Education’s Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers as a teaching guide in our homeschool.
We were able to reference this handbook for all of our English needs.
I recommend that you use this handbook in your homeschool to reference whenever your students need some extra instruction, or understanding in the sometimes complicated study of the English language.
It is flexible and is meant for the reader to pick and choose which sections to use depending on what is needed at the moment.
It is the perfect reference guide for you as the teacher also. You can easily refer to this reference guide while correcting your students papers.
Our homeschool gives this product a big thumb’s up!
Read More TOS Crew Reviews
I definitely recommend adding Everyday Education’s Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers to your homeschool.
Head over HERE to read more TOS Crew reviews, or just click on the graphic above to go directly to more reviews.

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