Mother’s Day Gifts for Homesteading Mamas

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Heat-activated Fan

If you have a homesteader in your life, then the chances are high that they have either a woodstove or a pellet stove in their home.

There are so many gifts that could go along with those types of heating sources, but my favorite one would have to be a heat-activated fan.

I love mine!

One time our power was out for two weeks while we were waiting for the part we needed to come into the store. I spent day and night walking back and forth manually spinning our ceiling fans in order to keep the heat moving throughout the house.

Believe me when I say the homesteaders in your life would love a heat-activated fan for Mother’s Day!

Mr. Heater – My Buddy

Have you ever heard of the Mr. Heater – My Buddy portable propane heaters?

I love mine!

We bought our first one the winter we were leaving tons of snow and cold in Northern New York and headed to Florida in a small RV.

Obviously, we weren’t going to need it while in Florida, but it sure helped while we were still up North!

It does an amazing job and is the only propane heater that I am aware of that is rated for indoor use without the concern of opening windows or venting it in some way.

I like to keep a small stash of camping propane bottles, but they have been difficult to find lately.

There are also adapters that you can purchase enabling you to be able to hook up to a larger tank of propane.

It is a powerful heater, but it does go through propane quicker than I had hoped.

Any homesteader would love to get a Mr. Heater – My Buddy heater, or even just some of those little camping propane tanks!

Lamps and Lanterns

It might be because I lived off-grid for years, but I love to have lanterns in the house.

I have a variety of both oil lamps and battery-operated lamps.

I have store-bought lanterns and homemade oil lamps.

They look nice when spread out around the house and really add to the farmhouse decor.

Flashlights and Headlamps

I can’t imagine how many headlamps and flashlights I have purchased over the years, yet still need more!

Homesteaders love flashlights!

Headlamps are a must-have for anyone living off-grid!

Solar Lamps

Solar lights are always welcome on the homestead.


Every homesteader needs a good stash of candles on hand.

Cast Iron Pans

Cast iron pans cook up some amazing food, but they also make perfect farmhouse decor!

I inherited some of my cast iron from my mother. I purchased some of it on the clearance rack from the Walmart camping section. And, I had a few friends give some to me.

No matter how I acquired my cast iron, I have loved it all.

Water Bath Canner

Every true homesteader needs a good water bath canner.

This can be a homesteader’s best friend.

It holds a lot of water. 

I have used mine a lot over the years to carry water from the well, to heat up a lot of dish water, to heat bath water, to put up water when a storm was coming, to cook large batches of stewed tomatoes, to boil corn-on-the-cob, and of course, the do my canning.

There are just too many things to name. 

It’s enough to say that the homesteaders on your shopping list would love a water bath canner for Mother’s Day.

Pressure Canner

I never want to live without a pressure canner.

Some of my favorite things to can are chicken, beef, and hamburger.

I need a pressure canner to can meat and non-acidic fruits and vegetables.

Pressure canning is a major way I stock my pantry.

A pressure canner would make an amazing gift!

Thank you, Joan and Steve, for mine!

Freeze-Fried and Dehydrated Food

I don’t know any homesteader who wouldn’t love to have shelf-stable food in their pantry with an expiration date of 30+ years out!

Excalibur Dehydrator

My Excalibur is by far my favorite small appliance in my kitchen!

Nesco Dehydrator

My first few dehydrators were Nesco.

I sent my sister to pick up my very first one from a guy I bought it from on Craigslist.

Craigslist was new and she was nervous about doing it, but she did, and I got my dehydrator at a great price!

Grain Mill

I know for sure that this homesteader would love a nice new grain mill!

Mine is just a bottom-of-the-line hand-cranked grinder that doesn’t do the best job.

Meat Grinder

My meat grinder is about the same quality as the grain grinder that I own.

I know every homesteader would appreciate a really nice meat grinder for Mother’s Day!

Water Filtration

Talk to any homesteader about water filtration and ten to one they own a Berkey, or it’s on their wish list.

Igloo Water Dispenser

Our Igloo Water Dispenser was in constant use when we lived off-grid.

Camping Shower

Most days, when I lived off-grid, I would fill up my camping shower with cold water, then hang it out in the sun for the day.

On busy days, I would fill it up with hot water that I heated on my woodstove.

I just poured the hot water into the camping shower with my tea kettle.

I was surprised at how many little kids I could clean up with just one full camping shower.

Camping showers are a must-have for homesteaders.

Laundry Plunger

Yes, doing laundry for a mega family can be overwhelming.

It can quickly turn into a nightmare when a mega family lives off-grid!

We did laundry a lot of different way, but one of my favorites was with this laundry plunger.

It really gets your clothes clean, unlike my brand new HE washing machine.

Sometimes the old ways really are better.

Buy the homesteader in your life a new laundry plunger

They will be sure to thank you!

Commerical Size Salad Spinner

I didn’t actually get a commercial-size salad spinner until after I was back on grid.

I have, however, used it a few times when we lost power, and I wish I had it sooner.

It would make a great Mother’s Day gift for a homesteader.

Clothes Bar

I lived a lot of years off-grid when my older kids were little.

Thanks to this experience, I was better prepared to be able to do laundry without a dryer and washing machine.

I pulled out some laundry essentials from my stash.

I had some large buckets, big kettles, totes, a laundry plunger, and believe it or not, a commercial size salad spinner.

Most of the drying was done on a clothes bar.

Some of it was simply hung around the house on clothes hangers.

I do miss my old-fashioned wringer washer though.

I think I will put one back on my prepping list!


Honestly, can you be a homesteader if you don’t own a good knife?

Knives always make a great gift for homesteaders.

Hand Tools

Honestly, what good is a homestead without good tools?!?

Every homesteader could use an Axe, splitting maul, hatchet, rakes, shovels, and so many more hand tools.

Make the homesteader in your life have a happy Mother’s Day with the gift of some more tools.

Work Gloves

Work are a necessity for every homesteader.


My favorite part about winter is planning and preparing for next year’s garden!

Every homesteader loves anything to do with gardening.

Garden stuff makes wonderful gifts for homesteaders.



Books, books, books!

Every homesteader understands that it is always best to have hard copies of books rather than just depending on the internet.

The homesteaders in your life would love to get books for Mother’s Day.


Yes, please! I would love a nice pair of chicken sloggers!

The women in your life either love them or totally hate them.

I should love them.

These would make an amazing Mother’s Day gift.

Mother’s Day Gifts for Homesteaders

What kind of gifts would you give a homesteader?

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Candy had been a good shopper for years. With 12 children, it didn’t take her long to realize that if she wasn’t a smart shopper, she wouldn’t make it very far! She wanted to continue to be a stay-at-home mother, but she wondered if this was going to be possible. Then, she found out about coupons. Coupons have literally changed her life!

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