(I do participate in affiliations on this blog. I am an affiliate with many companies, which in simple terms means I advertise for companies, and they compensate me via products, services, or monetary means. You can read my entire disclosure policy over here.)
Did you know that SchoolhouseTeachers.com is celebrating TEN successful years this year? Launched March 2, 2012, with eleven courses, the company has grown into a full curriculum option for preschool through high school. Families can choose from over 400 courses, plus hundreds of additional resources, including curriculum guides that take the work out of planning your homeschool year. Spring into savings during this anniversary year by using code: SPRING22 for the Ultimate Annual Membership for only $189 (reg. $269.97). Code: MONTHLY22 locks you into a monthly rate of only $18.97 (reg. $29.97). Many course additions have blessed SchoolhouseTeachers.com families over the years. Let’s stop and smell the roses with an inside look at the TOP TEN most used courses! Earth Science, Algebra 1, Spanish 1, General Biology, Animal Science, Pre-Algebra, Schoolhouse Spelling, Physical Science, Geometry in Real Life, Drive Thru History: American History. |
“My daughter is re-taking Algebra 1 after barely passing last year. This presentation of algebra makes much more sense. Just so you know, I was just telling my husband of all the resources you provide and how our yearly membership has already paid for itself. He was pretty impressed.” —Kim “I really liked Career Exploration for my high schoolers, Daily Grammar (9th grade), and Schoolhouse Spelling (5th grade).” —Jenny “We love Drive Thru History!” —Tifphanie |
SchoolhouseTeachers.com members know what it means to bloom where they are planted. Choosing only the courses they want, and adding them to their daily routines helps them flourish, thrive, and grow tremendously in their homeschooling. |
“We’re using Grammar for high school right now . . . loving it!” —Diana, New England “We are loving the Torchlighters videos!” —Lynell “My fourth-grade daughter thoroughly enjoyed the People and Places of WWII. The history course was done in short, easy-to-understand lessons with plenty of activities to complement [them].” —Lori “I think SchoolhouseTeachers.com is the best money I’ve spent on homeschooling this year. I’m doing American History with my 7th grader, and he is just loving these videos! Thanks for making them available!” —Jana “We’ve been a member for nearly three years and love the program. There’s so much variety to choose from, and the kids prefer ST math because it explains the concept in an easy-to-understand fashion, gives plenty of practice, and then continues to review periodically so they don’t forget. They also love all of Patrick Nure’s classes; Dinosaurs of the Bible, The Geology of Our National Parks, and Rocks and Minerals. They love Rock Man Pat so much that they went on his 2019 Yellowstone field trip. It was fabulous! We also love their Grammar classes. We look forward to using this program for years to come.” —Cindy |
SchoolhouseTeachers.com—Every Subject. Every Grade. Every Student. Special deals are offered to new members only. Sorry, no refunds. |

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