What Should I Buy in the Month of January

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What Should I Buy in the Month of January

What Should I Buy in the Month of January

Become a Strategic Shopper and get the best deals month-by-month. Knowing what to buy in January is a great way to begin the new year.

A Season and a Time

Remember: Strategic Shopping means there’s a season and a time to buy everything. Buying at the wrong time could literally cost you hundreds of dollars.

Candy will be the cheapest right after Easter and Halloween. American flags get marked at rock-bottom prices just after the Fourth of July. Many other items have a specific rock-bottom price time period.

Here are a few things you should watch for in the month of January. Shop with the goal of filling up your pantry and gift closet. Don’t just pick up tonight’s supper. Buy deals to last for multiple suppers. Pay rock-bottom prices now rather than full price later.

After Christmas Sales

Look for anything with the Christmas theme. If it has the red and green theme on the packaging, it will probably be marked down.

I saw a meme on FB the other day showing red, green, and silver Hershey Kisses, and suggesting saving the red and silver ones for Valentine’s Day, and the green ones of St. Patrick’s Day. Brilliant!

Some of my favorite after Christmas sales include wrapping paper, coffee mugs, and Christmasy socks.

The day after Christmas you will see most stores mark their Christmas stock down to 50% off. Sales quickly move to 70% off. In January, the prices hit my favorite price at 90% off. There’s nothing like paying ten cents for $1.00 items, $1.00 for $10.00 items, and $10.00 for $100.00 items!

I consider 50% off a good sale. 70% off is a pretty good clearance price. 90% off is definitely the time to fill up your gift closet! When the 90% off prices hit the inventory will be quite low and picked over at most stores.

National Oatmeal Month – You won’t see oatmeal in your local grocery stores cheaper any other time of the year than January. If you use a lot of oatmeal like my family does then you should consider buying it in bulk. I buy 50-pound bags of oats for just under $25.00 at a local bulk store. If you are near an Amish or Mennonite store you should be able to find a great deal on oatmeal there too.

National Meat Month

Many people are surprised to hear that there are certain times of the year that are better to buy meat than other times, but if you stop and think for a minute then you wouldn’t be too surprised. Everyone knows that turkeys are at their rock-bottom price in November, and hot dogs are the cheapest around both Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. 

Well, along with those same ideas, January is National Meat month. Watch for great deals. Fill up your freezer. Can up great meat deals. Canning meat is super easy. It’s actually one of the easiest foods to can.

National Soup Month– One of my favorite things about all of the soup sales this month are the coupons that match up to the sales. It is super easy to fill your pantry with cans of soup in January.
Super Bowl Sunday Snacks – Think beyond Super Bowl and stock up! My daughter, Judy has always loved this month because football season means all kinds of sales on pizza, chips, crackers, and soda. She always encourages this mama to stock up!

New Year’s Resolutions

Have you made a list of resolutions this year? A lot of people have! Diet Foods, weight-loss programs, health & fitness, home organization & cleaning products are going to be on sale everywhere to accomodate these resolution makers.

Cold medicines and vitamins – Make sure you match up coupons to get medicine and vitamins at amazing prices this month.

Seasonal Produce

Buy produce in season. Pick up citrus fruits, pears, broccoli, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower throughout this month.

There will be sales on stews, chili, hot cocoa, teas, and coffee during the winter months too.

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Candy had been a good shopper for years. With 12 children, it didn’t take her long to realize that if she wasn’t a smart shopper, she wouldn’t make it very far! She wanted to continue to be a stay-at-home mother, but she wondered if this was going to be possible. Then, she found out about coupons. Coupons have literally changed her life!

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