Book Review: Archer and Zowie by Hans Bluedorn

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Disclosure: I received this product free through the Homeschool Review Crew

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Hans Bluedorn Brings us Fallacy Detective and Archer & Zowie

Book Review: Archer and Zowie by Hans Bluedorn

TOS Review Crew

Sarah and I were excited to receive Hans Bluedorn‘s newest book, Archer and Zowie.

We love the Bluedorns and all of their amazing homeschool resources!

Thank you, TOS Review Crew for giving us this review opportunity.

This book came in at the perfect time too. Sarah and I are having a reading contest. Since Sarah was ahead of me at the time of this book’s arrival, I couldn’t wait to get into it.

Typically, we would use books like this as a family read-aloud, but since we were in the midst of our summertime reading challenge, we both read it on our own, then had some fun discussions.

Book Review: Archer and Zowie by Hans Bluedorn candyfooteclub
Book Review: Archer and Zowie by Hans Bluedorn

Mom’s Review

Archer and Zowie are best friends with huge imaginations. They will use whatever means it takes to create extreme adventures.

Their adventure starts out when Archer spots the microwave oven on top of the refrigerator. It doesn’t take him long to grab hold of the cord and pull it down.

There! Now it is no longer a microwave oven. It is a TELPORTEE!

The TELEPORTEE allows Archer and Zowie to order anything they need, want, or simply dream up.

Book Review: Archer and Zowie by Hans Bluedorn candyfooteclub TELPORTEE!

Want a Pastrami Sandwich? Just punch in 3345

How about a spinach and mushroom pizza? 1204

Need a milk cow? 8830

Maybe you need a black hole kit! 8744

The list is endless!

Now the only thing needed to complete the orders is a credit card.

No worries!

Zowie just happened to find a credit card.

The credit card actually belongs to the sick and very distracted babysitter.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, Archer and Zowie is a science fiction adventure that takes two best friends to the far ends of their imagination.

It was a cute and fun sci-fi book to read during our summertime reading challenge.

Sarah’s Review

Here are a few thoughts from Sarah after she read, Hans Bluedorn‘s book, Archer and Zowie

I was excited to read the book, Archer and Zowie. It was interesting and exciting. I really enjoyed this sci-fi book. I thought it was hilarious when the nuts fell from the bushes and literally took off walking! It was funny when Archer and Zowie still ate those nuts!

Book Review: Archer and Zowie by Hans Bluedorn

The Foote Family Homeschool loved reading Archer and Zowie by Hans Bluedorn. It worked perfectly in our summertime reading challenge.

This is what I would classify as a must-read educational book, but it was a fun addition to our summertime reading challenge this year..This book would make a great family read-aloud. What a fun way to start the new school year!

The Foote Family Homeschool gives Archer and Zowie a big thumb’s up!

Oh, and for those of you who are wondering which one of us won this summer’s reading challenge, it wasn’t me. Sarah is waiting for me to take her out to the ice cream shop. She won, so I’m buying!

Read more TOS Crew Reviews

Check out what other homeschooling families are saying about Hans Bluedorn’s newest book, Archer and Zowie. Read more TOS Crew Reviews OVER HERE, or simply click on the graphic below.

Hans Bluedorn Brings us Fallacy Detective and Archer & Zowie
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Candy had been a good shopper for years. With 12 children, it didn’t take her long to realize that if she wasn’t a smart shopper, she wouldn’t make it very far! She wanted to continue to be a stay-at-home mother, but she wondered if this was going to be possible. Then, she found out about coupons. Coupons have literally changed her life!

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