FoodSaver and Today’s Amazon Deal of the Day

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FoodSaver – Amazon Deal of the Day

If you want to make your groceries last longer, then you definitely need to invest in a Foodsaver!

Everyone wants to save money on their grocery budget.

One of the best ways to save is by making sure the groceries you buy last long enough for your family to actually eat all of it.

I am always sealing up something.

Vacuum sealing makes the food last longer, plus keeps out any kind of pests that may have found their way into my pantry.

Amazon has the FoodSaver V4400 2-in-1 Vacuum Sealer Machine with Automatic Vacuum Sealer Bag Detection and Starter Kit on a one-day Deal of the Day sale today only!

The FoodSaver FSFSBF0526-P00 8-Inch Roll Two-pack, 20 Feet Long are also on the Deal of the Day today only.

Grab them now before they are gone!

I seal up fresh meat and produce for the freezer.

I have seen some people seal up cartons of ice cream to keep them from getting freezer burnt! 

I, also, seal up most of the foods that I dehydrate at home, like carrots, sweet peppers, onions, zucchini, summer squash, and more.

I keep these bags of dry goods inside of buckets and totes.

I really love to seal up my canning jars with dry goods, like cereal, pasta, sugar, and most of all, all of the food I dehydrate at home.

These jar sealers fit right on top of regular and wide-mouth canning jars.

Just plug in the hose if your FoodSaver doesn’t come with one already built-in, then seal up the jar.

If you open a jar of food, but can’t use it all, reseal it, then store it in the refrigerator.

It will last a lot longer!

For example, I do this with jars of spaghetti sauce.

***This is not meant to replace anything that needs to be processed through waterbath or pressure canning.***

I love these FoodSaver canisters!

If you have something that you couldn’t seal with the canning jar sealers, but small enough to fit inside one of these canisters, then you can still seal it up.

I put small jars into mine, like relish and pickles, which don’t get used much.

It lasts way longer in the refrigerator when it has been vacuumed sealed.

I used to put half-eaten jars of baby food into these canisters to keep for later use.

***After resealing, store in the refrigerator.***

FoodSaver also makes these containers which can be vacuum-sealed.

I like to use mine to seal up cold meat, veggies, and fruit.

It is amazing how much longer things stay fresh when they have been vacuum sealed!

I do love the FoodSaver brand, but I don’t always love their prices.

I have been using these off-brand bags for many years.

They are high quality and work great!

They come in a roll, and I cut them to size.

I have never had any issues with them.

I love them and their lower price!



Do you already vacuum seal your good in order to make your groceries last longer?

Which of these FoodSaver items are you using?

Which ones are on your list of things to buy for the homestead?

Leave a comment and let me know!

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Candy had been a good shopper for years. With 12 children, it didn’t take her long to realize that if she wasn’t a smart shopper, she wouldn’t make it very far! She wanted to continue to be a stay-at-home mother, but she wondered if this was going to be possible. Then, she found out about coupons. Coupons have literally changed her life!

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