(I do participate in affiliations on this blog. I am an affiliate with many companies, which in simple terms means I advertise for companies, and they compensate me via products, services, or monetary means. You can read my entire disclosure policy over here.)

How to Get Free Mr Bubbles Coupons
Do you have specific Christmas gifts that you give every single year?
Mr. Bubbles is always on my list.
Every fall, I email The Village Company and ask them to send me coupons for their products.
In case you didn’t know, Mr. Bubbles is a product of The Village Company.
Every single year, they happily mail out Mr. Bubbles manufacturer coupons directly to my home.
This year, the Village Company sent me four manufacturer coupons.
Two of these coupons were for $1.00 off any Village Company product.
The other two coupons were each for a totally free item, up to $10.00 off!

A Big Jug of Mr. Bubbles from Walmart
I couldn’t wait to head over to my local Walmart to see what kind of deals I could score with my Mr. Bubbles coupons.
I found a big jug of Mr. Bubbles marked at $3.72.
My Mr. Bubbles manufacturer coupon made this free.

Mr. Bubbles Foam Soap from Walmart
I used to divide these double packs up and use them as two separate gifts when I had more than one daughter at home.
I thought about dividing them up and giving Sarah one for her birthday in November and the other one for Christmas, but I think I will just give them both to her for Christmas this year.
Walmart had these double packs marked at $4.98.
I used my manufacturer coupon and got it for free.

Mr. Bubbles Color Tablets from Walmart
Next, I grabbed two packs of the Mr. Bubbles Fizzy Tub Colors.
Each pack came with six color tablets.
I used a one dollar off manufacturer coupon on each packet.
I was paid two cents apiece to take them!
The Walmart Coupon Policy and Coupon Overage
I love that the Walmart coupon policy states that the store will pay overage!
Overage is a couponer’s favorite word.
Check out my article, Coupon Lingo and Abbreviations Every Couponer Needs to Know over here.
It means if an item costs less than the amount of the coupon, then the customer is paid the difference.
That means since a packet of Mr. Bubbles color tablets cost $0.98, but the manufacturer coupon was for $1.00 off, they paid me $0.02.
You may be wondering why I didn’t get overage on the free item coupons that were good up to $10.00 off.
The answer is in the words up to $10.00 off.
When a coupon says, up to a certain amount, it will actually take off the price of the product – up to that amount.
If my coupons would have just read, $10.00 off any Village Company product, then I would have been paid the difference.
Not a lot of stores will pay overage.
The ones that do tend to just apply the overage amount to the rest of your order.
Walmart is different in the fact that they will pay you the cash if you don’t have anything else you are buying at that moment.
This is a big win for couponers!
Make sure you understand each stores’ coupon policy.
Mr. Bubbles for Christmas
My girls have always loved Mr. Bubbles.
Getting a bottle of it has become a little Christmas tradition at our house.
Sarah is going to be super excited when she finds all of these Mr. Bubbles products under the Christmas tree this year!
I am super excited that I got all of these awesome Mr. Bubbles products for Christmas totally free!

Extreme Couponing with Free Coupons
Read more about how I do Extreme Couponing with Free Coupons over here.
Christmas with Strategic Shopping The Twelve Months of Christmas
Grab a copy of my e-book, Christmas with Strategic Shopping The Twelve Months of Christmas, and see how you can have a wonderful Christmas at rock-bottom prices!
I am an affiliate
I hope you love the products I recommend! Just so you know, I may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. Thank you if you use our links, I really appreciate it!
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