I Can’t Clip Coupons Part #1

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I Can’t Clip Coupons Part #1

The other day I asked some of my friends what was keeping them from using coupons.

I Can’t Clip Coupons Part #1

There aren’t coupons for anything except junk food.

 I can’t print coupons off from the internet.

I can’t afford the Sunday paper.

 It’s too much work!

 I don’t have time. People think of different things when you even mention the word coupons.

They are a waste of time.

I don’t need to save pennies and quarters.

Coupons mean you’re a cheapskate.

People who are using coupons are ripping off the stores causing the prices to go up.

Everyone thinks something different when it comes to coupons. It’s even pronounced differently, but the bottom line is coupons are cold hard cash.

They are money. Best yet, they are tax-free money!

Let’s tackle some of these questions through a few different blog posts.

Coupons are only for junk food

Actually, the organic food companies have really jumped onto the whole couponing bandwagon.

I even use coupons on milk, cheese, and eggs!

Organic Valley

Mambo Sprouts

Earthbound FarmsOrganics

(Some of you are shopping at your local farmer’s markets this time of the year. Good for you! You may not be able to use coupons, but you can still do some strategic
shopping and get top-quality food at rock-bottom prices! Shopping late in the day may limit your selection, but many farmers don’t want to haul everything back home, so you can haggle and get some great deals!)

Saving on Meat and Produce

Go into your local supermarket and check out your meat and produce sections. Supermarkets are filled to the brim with meat and produce.

The problem is this stuff doesn’t last long. Since the stores don’t want to keep throwing all of this stuff away, they mark it way down by
putting coupons on these items.

If your store stacks coupons, then you can add manufacturer coupons with these coupons to get ultimate

(Ask the produce workers and butcher when they typically mark these items down. Ours are usually
marked down in the late mornings.)

I don’t feed my family a lot of processed junk food. Most of our food is fresh or homemade, but we still save big with coupons.

Coupons work!

Are you using coupons? What’s stopping you?

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Candy had been a good shopper for years. With 12 children, it didn’t take her long to realize that if she wasn’t a smart shopper, she wouldn’t make it very far! She wanted to continue to be a stay-at-home mother, but she wondered if this was going to be possible. Then, she found out about coupons. Coupons have literally changed her life!

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