Ten Ways to Save on Groceries

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Ten Ways to Save on Groceries

Ten Ways to Save on Groceries

Strategic Shopping is way more than just clipping coupons in the newspaper. 

One of the biggest complaints I hear is there is simply no time to become an extreme couponer and clip all of those coupons. 

The good news is you don’t have to! Here are ten ways you can save on groceries this week!

Produce Coupons

Whenever I enter a grocery store, I make a beeline straight for the produce section.

I especially like the organic produce. Our grocery stores are full of a variety of produce, but not all of it sells as quickly as the store managers hope.

Since they don’t want to throw all of this produce away, they mark it down while it is still good.

I love to take advantage of these awesome deals!

I look for coupons right on the products and normally find some amazing deals.

Many times I will bring home large bags of lettuce and salad mixes for 50 cents a package!

I just bring them home and serve them up for dinner.

Any coupons found on these packages are typically considered store coupons, so if your store stacks coupons, and you have manufacturer coupons, then be sure and use them together for ultimate savings.

I also watch for other produce marked down, like fruit.

Whatever we don’t use, I chop up and throw onto my dehydrator, or freeze them.

Meat Coupons

When I am finished in the produce section, I head straight for the meat department.

I don’t have much of a hunter’s eye, so I walk up and down the meat section quite a few times searching for coupons stuck right on the packages.

The same concept that was used in the produce section applies to the meat department.

They would rather give you a deep discount on the meat while it is still good rather than wait for it to spoil, then have to throw it all away.

This is how I afford to feed my family steak for dinner so often!

It is not unusual for me to find manufacturer coupons to match up with this already discounted meat.

But even without manufacturer coupons, this is a great way to save on meat.

Bakery Discounts

My next stop is the bakery department. I’m sure you have seen cakes, cookies, pies, rolls, and bread marked at rock bottom prices.

The stores need to move all of these perishable items out before they spoil. We get the benefit of it!

Dairy Discounts

Are you beginning to see a pattern here?

You can go into a grocery store without a list and without coupons and still manage to save a lot of money.

You just need a strategy. That strategy is to hit every aisle that carries perishable products.

I almost always find yogurt marked way down. I also watch for coupons on milk, juice, and eggs.

Blinkies, Coupon Angels, and More

Watch for coupon boxes attached right on the shelves. Take as many as you like.

You don’t have to use them during this trip.

Watch for coupons left by coupon angels.

Some people decide not to use their coupons for one reason or another, so they leave them beside the right products for you!

Watch for coupons right on the products – just like you did on the produce, meat, and dairy products.

Shop the sales

Make sure you take advantage of the stores’ sales each week.

This is a no brainer, but you don’t want to pay $1.99 a pound for chicken next week because you didn’t buy enough when it was 99 cents a pound this week.

If possible, add coupons to the sales for ultimate savings.

Rain checks

If your store runs out of the sale items, ask for a rain check. With so many people becoming strategic shoppers, this is happening more and more.

Even if you are the one to take the last of the items, you can go back the next day and get a rain check.

(As long as there was no limit on the quantity purchased.)

Upload Coupons

Many people tell me that they just don’t have time to clip, organize, and carry all of those coupons to the stores.

Most stores have caught on to this dilemma and are now offering digital coupons.

Many digital coupons can be uploaded right to your stores’ loyalty cards.

You don’t even have to remember that you uploaded it, but when you buy that item, the coupon discount will come off automatically when your loyalty card is swiped.

Another digital coupon feature is to have the cashier scan coupons directly from your Smart Phone.

Since most people carry their phones with them all of the time, this is not a problem.

Email Companies

The previous nine savings suggestions don’t require you to clip, organize, and carry any coupons into the stores with you.

(Although you could save even more if you did!)

This suggestion will get you the coupons your family will actually use.

Open up your refrigerator, pantry, and freezer.

Check to see which brand-named items you use, then email those companies and simply ask them if they could mail you some coupons.

Ten Ways to Save on Groceries

These are ten ways to save on groceries that I implement into my regular shopping.

How are you saving on groceries?

Leave a comment and let me know!

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Candy had been a good shopper for years. With 12 children, it didn’t take her long to realize that if she wasn’t a smart shopper, she wouldn’t make it very far! She wanted to continue to be a stay-at-home mother, but she wondered if this was going to be possible. Then, she found out about coupons. Coupons have literally changed her life!

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