Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. You can read my entire disclosure policy over here.

Memoria Press First Form Latin Complete set
My family really loves to learn new languages. We have studied a variety of different languages since we began homeschooling back in 1993.
That is why there was so much excitement when our TOS Review Crew package arrived and the girls realized it was the complete set of Memoria Press’ First Form Latin curriculum.

My family isn’t new to Latin. My older kids were all taught the basics of Latin. Back then, though, it was a lot tougher than the amazing curriculum that just came in the mail last month!
Back in the day, we just had a plain old, hard-covered textbook. No online teachers, no pronunciation CD’s, not even any pretty workbooks. Just the text book and the sentiment that came along with it that basically said, “Good luck!”
I remember having many people question my chose of Latin as a foreign language chose.
Latin is a dead language!
You can’t use Latin in the real world!
Who speaks Latin?
I stood firm with my decision though.
When you have a mega family, like I do, you tend to think you have watched certain movies, read certain books, or covered certain lessons with everyone since you spent so much time on it with some.
Such is the case with our Latin lessons.
Somehow and somewhere they fell by the way between the older kids and the younger crew.
That is why I jumped at the opportunity to review the Memoria Press First Form Latin Complete set!

Answering the Naysayers
Latin is a dead language!
True. Latin isn’t the spoken language of the day anymore. I still stick like glue to my decision to teach it though.
Like I already mentioned, my family has enjoyed learning a variety of languages over the years, including Chinese, German, French, and Spanish.
Having the foundation of Latin has helped our family learn these other languages a lot easier.
The biggest language our Latin lessons have helped in is actually English! So, if your students are struggling with their English lessons, why not throw in a little Latin and watch the improvement!
Did you know that half of our English words are made up of Latin words and roots?
Latin improves linguistic awareness, plus helps students to with the understanding and usage of their own language.
You can’t use Latin in the real world!
I can safely say that my adult children who have entered the medical field know that Latin is definitely for the real world!
Science is loaded down with Latin terms.
Have you ever heard the saying, This is its scientific name? Guess what? The scientific name is in Latin!
Latin literally provides the root words of all modern sciences.
Latin is also the language of law, government, logic, and theology.
Student’s Textbook
The student’s textbook is small at only 121 pages. That is exactly what I first loved about it. It was a far cry from what my older students had to use back in the day. It was not overwhelming at all.
It is a basic Latin Grammar soft-covered textbook. Like any other grammar book you can think of, it covers the basics of nouns, verbs, adjectives, tenses, etc.
Student’s Workbook
There is a 230 page, spiral-bound, consumable workbook that is used in conjunction with the textbook.
Instructional DVDs and Pronunciation CD
There are five DVDs included in this curriculum. This is one of the best parts of the course.
You don’t need to know, or understand Latin yourself. The instructor, Jessica Watson, teaches the course for you!
The five DVDs cover the entire thirty-two lessons.
Knowing how to actually say the words you are trying to learn in a foreign language is the hardest part!
You don’t have to worry about that with this program because there is a pronunciation CD included!
Teacher’s Manual
The Teacher’s Manual is a 121 page, soft-covered, spiral book. It comes with a miniature sized student’s text, answer key, teaching guidelines, recitations for the students, reviews, quizzes, oral drills, and more.
This Teacher’s Manual is highly recommended!
Quizzes and Tests
There is a separate workbook dedicated to just quizzes and tests. This soft-covered workbook contains thirty-four quizzes and tests, including a First Form Latin final exam.
There is a page dedicated to explaining exactly how to grade each test and quiz.
Teacher Key

This is the actual answer key for both the workbook and the Quizzes & Tests workbooks.

The flashcards provided make drill time a cinch!
Foote Family Homeschool
The Foote Family Homeschool absolutely loves the Memoria Press First Form Latin Complete set!
It is a great way to introduce your students to the wonderful world of Latin.
We definitely give this curriculum a FIVE STAR RATING!
TOS Review Crew
Don’t forget to check out what my fellow Crew members have to say about Memoria Press products. You can read their reviews OVER HERE, or by clicking on the graphic below.

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